
I've gone on hiatus but for good reasons. Book 2 is finished, I haven't posted because they need me to reread everything from chapter 1 to make sure it all ties together well before I post. They will be posted soon. 
          	Also, here's some good news The Awakened Readers' Support Discord has been launched and we now have an Obsidian community run by a group of fans. Do go to to join for group reading and free books!


I've gone on hiatus but for good reasons. Book 2 is finished, I haven't posted because they need me to reread everything from chapter 1 to make sure it all ties together well before I post. They will be posted soon. 
          Also, here's some good news The Awakened Readers' Support Discord has been launched and we now have an Obsidian community run by a group of fans. Do go to to join for group reading and free books!


For those who want an edited, published copy of  Obsidian: Awakening, 3 book bloggers’ book of 2022  + 5 x Write Hive Indie Ink Awards winner and BBNYA semifinalist, the ebook and paperback are on sale for 5 days only. Grab a copy before book 2 comes out in a few months  
          See for details.


@Isianya it’s very close to being done and I’m very excited too for the release ❤️


Whoo! Book 2 in a few months!! I'm so happy this story is getting out into the world. I will be purchasing Book 2 when it's available. 


Hi, author! I love your books and was just wondering what is your schedule in posting updates to Obsidian Retribution? Just so I know when to look forward to them! I’m dying to know what happens next. I love them so much I’ve been dreaming about the characters lol hope you are well x


No worries! Thank you so much for responding ❤️ excited for the new chapter!


Hi! Thank you so much. Unfortunately, I write as I post so there’s no schedule because sometimes it takes me longer to write. I believe adding it to your library will get you notified when the new chapter is posted. I have about few finished chapters on hand to post so the next few will be out probably less than a week apart but this timing is only until I run out of chapters  I’ll post another today. 


If you have participated in voting for Obsidian in the Indie Ink Awards 2022, I'm thrilled to announce it has swept a place of honor in 12 of 13 categories it entered:
          - Best Debut
          - Best Setting
          - Best use of Tropes
          - Williest Character
          - Asian Representation 
          Runners up
          - Best Cover
          - Best Friendship
          - Best Morally Gray Character 
          - Prettiest Book Interior
          - Shadiest Character 
          - Side Character MVP
          - Bisexual Representation 
          - Gay Representation 
          Thank you so much. I wouldn't be here without you guys. For more details, see the full post at the end of Retribution.


Hey Love hope everything okay with you! Are you still writing?


            Hi, and Happy Thanksgiving. Another day to be grateful for what we are blessed with. Yes? I have enjoyed Silver Sparrow immensely. Are "Obsidian: Awakening" and  "The Silver Sparrow" the same book? If so, did you make major changes in it, to go along with the name change?  If not, where can I obtain/read Obsidian: Awakening?  I hope to hear back from you soon. Thanks in advance. And, have a blessed, wonderful Thanksgiving! <3 <3 <3


Sorry for the late reply. I am and just updated


I haven't been writing in the past few days as I have been working on Obsidian book trailer. It is finished and I promise as soon as I'm done updating on all platforms (hopefully today) I will get back to the next chapter. 
          The trailer is pretty amazing :D so if you haven't got a notification, go to the first chapter of book 1 to view. Existing readers will love it especially as  it brings back memories! Enjoy.