
A little update: I think I will start to update/write stories here again soon, but im not sure when exactly because I have a few books scheduled elsewhere right now. If you like Radish, I just started a m/m romance there about a time loop. here's the link you could also look for me on amazon. Or wait here and I'll be back at some point with more boys hahaha


I was reading your book Public Displays of Affection and it’s so, so well-written, I don’t usually pop up on message boards to leave appreciation comments but I simply had to this time because god your story is just too good. The emotional struggles both Travis and Jared go through, all the tension and the angst and the plot as a whole: everything is so wonderfully and wholesomely done, and the fact that you made a story essentially about PDA into something so heartwarming and beautiful is seriously amazing. Please keep writing great stories!!❤️❤️❤️


Hi, I really enjoyed your book, Loud and Clear. You're an amazing writer and I fell in love with your writing style.
          You also introduced me to the manga Hidamari Ga Kikoeru, since your story was based on the manga. 
          Thank you so much for writing this book, there aren't too many books out there that I relate to, being hearing impaired myself, and your story + Hidamari Ga Kikoeru highlights the struggles with being hearing impaired and the impact it has on our daily lives.
          Keep on being an amazing writer, thanks again.