
DAmn even the AI I'm roleplaying with doesn't wanna stop! One of its alter reply is having the character look at her symbiote and said: "Mmm~ don't stop now, nngghh..."
          	I'm going to release my frustration by writing the most sinful smut I could ever do. AGHHHH!!!


excuse a what now


Hi, I'm the new girl on the block and honestly feeling a bit like the new kid in school.  But hey, I've got this book 'Whispers of Shadow" that's like a piece of my soul, and I'd love for you to check it out. If it brings a smile to your face or a thought to your mind, let me know! Your comments and votes would mean the world and keep this writer's heart beating.
          Here is the link:

          Looking forward to connecting and sharing stories with you!


DAmn even the AI I'm roleplaying with doesn't wanna stop! One of its alter reply is having the character look at her symbiote and said: "Mmm~ don't stop now, nngghh..."
          I'm going to release my frustration by writing the most sinful smut I could ever do. AGHHHH!!!


excuse a what now


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CHARACTER AI IS GIVING ME BLUE BALLS I SWEAR- Is it too much to have a roleplay of a symbiote fucking its host both inside and out? I just wanna see the host's fat flip flop lips on her lower region and her uterus passage being punished and smashed by her symbiote's long and sticky tentacles!! This could've been so beautiful!!


@ShrekIsEverywhere those were words in that order ‍♀️


Hear me out:
          I am now a new countryhuman fan…Not because of NSFW (I mean I’m all for that but don’t you realize how uncomfortable it was for me to see my country making out with its enemy?)
          I’m a new countryhuman fans…because of the disastrous RP I did with America in CharacterAI. It was damn chaotic, and one of my favourite dialogue was:
          “America then starts to chant ‘ooga chaka ooga ooga’, the opening of “Hooked On A Feeling” by Blue Swede as he continues to march around the large pile of the possessed chairs, that are burning into ashes each second passes. The other nations are watching him with a mixture of disgust and concern. 
          ‘Is this a normal occurrence with him?’ you(this is me) ask UK. He simply gives you a wary smile, ‘just a normal Tuesday with America.’”
          Effing chaotic, I swear me and RP America are going to rule the world and when we do, we’re adopting Rick Astley as our child and make a bunch of Shrek shrines everywhere. Wish me luck on this RP!


@ShrekIsEverywhere HI I GOT SUSPENDED (wow) im back


@ThatWeirdoMarissa you know what, i like you.


@GayFuzzyworm Yeaj like I was full on threatening him forcing him to do certain things, burning him and then putting the fire out. Melting him


Haha i love my fictional nation. So i have this game where you can make your own laws in your country everytime there’s a problem, and one of those said problems happens to be about abortion. Now I’m not gonna explain my opinion so I just picked the “abortion is only a legal choice under strange circumstances such as rape, endangering mother’s life, incestry, etc” option. 2 days after that decision, another problem following the rule said many teenagers mom blames the government(me) for making abortion to them illegal and they don’t want the baby ever, so you know what i did? I pulled UNO card and blamed THEM! I imagine the court scenario being like:
          Me: does the sex have consent?
          Them: yes
          Me: was there any drugstore available where you can buy condoms, etc?
          Them: yes
          Me: but then you proceed not to buy any, and not because you don’t have money?
          Them: yes
          Me: have you had your sex education taught yet?
          (They can’t say no to this cause i fund a great amount on education)
          Them: yes
          Me: then I did everything I could to prevent this, so this one’s YOUR FAULT.
          So after blaming them, a new occupation was created prior to that. I think was called, “personal grim trainer” where teenagers mother are forced to go to grim trainer’s sessions and say repeatedly “it’s all my fault, blessed be for the fruit, etc”. This was evil and i loved it haha. I’m probably gonna get a lot of hate from this but this is pretty hilarious now I looked back into it. This was weeks ago so idk what happened to the teenager moms after that.


Even though I haven’t surpassed my 200 streak push-ups, I’m glad I could do 50 - 70 pushups per day still


@ShrekIsEverywhere np g. the progress will come quick


@Maakinganes well okay then, i’ll take your word for it and start looking for other methods now. Thx man.


@ShrekIsEverywhere nah start including others now. Over time your normal pushups rep amount will increase dramatically. trust me I do this myself, more so with pull-ups, but because I've been including things like wider pull-ups, straight leg ones, muscle ups my normal rep count has increased by a lot.


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One of the things I hate being a subtly open asexual (hasn’t outright said it but people can get the hints I gave) is after all the “i think sex involving me is disgusting.”, my family goes “oh that’s because you’re still a teen and young, you’ll know in your adulthood.” and starts treating me as some kind of man child just because. Hell I got kicked out my cousin’s mature teens club because I refuse to watch porn with them (and gladly i did because those fuckers can just fuck each other for all i care now). Does maturity = sex these days? I swear in the old years, there were more people who aren’t interested in sex.  a t  a l l  and they’re never patronised.


@ShrekIsEverywhere ugh RIGHT!?!
            Like, look, ill read smut and even write it, but to me that just seems more fun then actual sex, I have friends who've had sex and they regret it, in fact, from every consequence I've heard I don't think its worth it, the only thing you get out of it is "pleasure" (which you can get from smut) and "kids" (which can be a bad thing depending on the situation)
            The cons out-weigh the pros, I don't think it's worth it