
Hey guys, I know I haven't written anything in a LONG LONG time, but I have some ideas up my sleeve. GET EXCITED!!! Especially those of you who are Harry Potter fans, because my next book is going to be a Draco fanfic! Love you lots, and thanks for sticking around. :) :* see you soon!


Hey guys, I know I haven't written anything in a LONG LONG time, but I have some ideas up my sleeve. GET EXCITED!!! Especially those of you who are Harry Potter fans, because my next book is going to be a Draco fanfic! Love you lots, and thanks for sticking around. :) :* see you soon!


If that's you irl,
          1. You're really pretty
          2. You look a LOT like one of my closest friends


Ahh, I see! My name is Sarah, but that's still a coincidence that she looks like me!


Alyssa. She's in my class. 


Awwe thank you! Yes that is me! What's your friend's name?


Hi I really love your Aaron fan fic and was wondering if you were going to post another chapter it's really good.❤️❤️


Thank you so much!❤️❤️I'll try to update ASAP, I'm awful at updating on a regular schedule, but I'll try to get started again when I'm not stressed with school

          Hey guys, my friend has been falsely accused of planning a school shooting, and the school board is planning on expelling and deporting him back to Australia, which isn't fair to him. If you guys could help him by signing the petition, it would be greatly appreciated by him and myself, since he is a close friend of mine. I trust him with my life because he's never given me a reason not to, so it would help so much!


Heyy this comment is maybe going to annoy you and I am soo sorry you can ignore me if you want but may you please update the Aaron carpenter fanfic with Quinn and stuff ily forever and I love your writing <3


It's ok xx good luck with your exams and school I am wishing you all the best


Thank you so much! @kianlawleyyxx I'll try and update soon, I'm stressed with school and exams coming up, but when I find time I will update!