
Hello Admin L here
          	Just wanted to test some wave in Wattpad first 
          	There's actually a lot of requests going into personal messages and there's one request that seems to interest me because around year ago, Admin H also said this as a joke. Now I want to test wave here
          	Brothers Adventures -Boboiboy- Version?


@ Shinichi2504 interesting!! But it's up to you either. I'll read the story if you end up making it (o´∀`o)


@ Shinichi2504  oh! That sound interesting 


@Shinichi2504 that sounds really great, but as long as you're comfortable with it :)


Hello Admin L here
          Just wanted to test some wave in Wattpad first 
          There's actually a lot of requests going into personal messages and there's one request that seems to interest me because around year ago, Admin H also said this as a joke. Now I want to test wave here
          Brothers Adventures -Boboiboy- Version?


@ Shinichi2504 interesting!! But it's up to you either. I'll read the story if you end up making it (o´∀`o)


@ Shinichi2504  oh! That sound interesting 


@Shinichi2504 that sounds really great, but as long as you're comfortable with it :)


Hello guys this is Admin L
          I have bad news for all of you guys especially those who follow Admin H's books
          Admin H is currently... In bad state
          After finishing the assignments, she just got informed that her three years old home cat has been missing for a few days and it devastating for her. Since she will be focusing on finding her cat, she might can't continue writing for a while and so... She ask me to overlook the draft chapters of her book that she already made and publish it after checking the grammars. I actually not following Pripara so I will only check the grammars and hope when Admin H comeback, she will recheck the plot herself. 
          I will update the chapter after I recheck the grammar
          Now for the collaboration books,
          Brothers Adventures might need longer time to update since both of us only finish merely half of one chapter... We're sorry everyone but we need to do it together after all.
          For the upcoming Boboiboy one-shots/short stories book might still be release as planned since we already done making one chapter as the beginning. It should be coming up real soon
          That's all for the announcement and thank you everyone


Guys I tried my best to edit Admin H's book but in the end... I can't. I really need to properly understand Pripara since there some phrases that I don't know so... You guys might to need Admin H to come back. I'm very sorry everyone
            -Admin L-


@Shinichi2504  Aww no the poor cat don't worry we pray that cat maybe found and is fine. Take care ok.


Thank you everyone, I will properly pass all of your words to her! -Admin L-


Hello! Admin H here
          I'm so sorry for haven't update Laala Idol Love Story 3 for few weeks now. I have been hit by many sudden assignments in real life. I promise when I manage to update again, I will make double chapter update as an apology. 
          Also for readers who had been asking Brothers Adventures update, both Admins is currently working on the new chapter, which is why we need time to finish it and I hope everyone is okay with it
          Thank you!


Hello Admin L here!
          Want to make quick announcement that I'm thinking after I completed Darkness Feelings (because it's already near the end) 
          I want to make a book that consists of Boboiboy one-shots and put it as collaboration work so that Admin H can post her own one-shot of Boboiboy story. 
          Also to tell the truth, both me and Admin H also have plans for getting commission Trouble Battle Side stories cover book but I got information that someone took my Inside cover book (and it hurts me because Admin H is the one who suggest and help to make that commission and it turn out very beautiful) and put that cover as his/her own cover book so... I'm going to cancel my plan for now because I don't want someone take advantage of using what I paid for to make my fanfiction stories alive since I really want to see the stories I made turn into great comic-style picture. I hope someday we can realize this plan of ours
          Thank you!


@Shinichi2504 oh yeaa I remember that time, it was tough for Taufan


@Nibby91 At that time, Taufan angst was quite popular among the fandom and I really enjoy making it


@Shinichi2504 ooh I love nightmare of reality! If you don't mind, why do you love it the most?


Hello! Admin H here 
          I want to give announcement that Admin L will not be checking Wattpad for time being due to her having busy and draining real life things but don't worry, she already schedule future chapters to be publish in her ongoing stories so all of it will still be updated based on the schedule she chosen thanks to Wattpad putting this feature:')
          While I on the other hand will continue my usual schedule for Laala Idol Love Story 3~
          That's all and see you all in our next updates~


Have you read this book yet? This book is mainly about Boboiboy (Ori) and the Elementals interacting and getting close to each other through every gesture. This book must be said to be very sweet, fluffy and adorable!
          Here is the link:


Admin L here!
          But before I can update, I need to wait for confirmation to the owner of the OC in order to know that I didn't do the OC too much out of character, so while we wait... good news for everyone
          I tried to do the request that I repetitively got for months now... Weirdly, I did the first chapter quite fast since... I MADE IT AS TROUBLE BATTLE SIDE STORY INSTEAD HAHAHAHAHAHA
          That side story will be publish in...
          Real soon~