
OperaGX low-key nice lol 
          	especially using wattpad on browser, which DOESN'T HAVE A DEFAULT DARK MODE THAT ADJUSTS TO MY FREAKING LAPTOP SETTINGS


watching gacha reactions featuring Rimuru is wild.. they're either decent or the most stress-inducing content I've seen.. I mean, Rimuru x Velzard??? Mf idk if the current anime and manga timeline doesn't depict them as siblings yet, cause they're damn well siblings in the future :annoyed emoji:


meant to type idc instead of idk


...Am I the only one who despises being called "Ate"? Every time I hear it, I want to sock something right across the face... my violence levels are bursting


@SheynChanUwU seems like you are cursed by the blood god


o7 Blood God. You will forever remain in our hearts


So uhm.. my grandma(from my stepfather's side) passed away in the middle of the night but I don't feel sad.. I've spent time with her but I just don't feel anything about her passing... I'm not emotionless, maybe just the opposite of empathetic or opposite of sympathetic? I need mental help bc I feel bad about not feeling enough to relate... even my grandma(mother's side) cried about her passing but I just don't.. sadge ig /srs