
So, it’s me, Mina
          	I did just post a chapter yesterday from TWE which was on Hiatus, and I hope you enjoyed it!
          	I just want to say that unlike other authors, we update a lot less regularly during quarantine. This is because we don’t interact enough, we usually do that at school, so we can’t get ideas for future chapters.
          	We are writing chapters which are ideas we discussed previously, like we have three drafts in TLOMB, (one more to come) but the chapters are set with a pattern so we can’t update it yet.
          	I have been bored though so I’ll be updating TWE and maybe Management 101, so that’s that!
          	Sorry about this, maybe after quarantine we will go on an updating spree, who knows
          	Anyway peace out!


So, it’s me, Mina
          I did just post a chapter yesterday from TWE which was on Hiatus, and I hope you enjoyed it!
          I just want to say that unlike other authors, we update a lot less regularly during quarantine. This is because we don’t interact enough, we usually do that at school, so we can’t get ideas for future chapters.
          We are writing chapters which are ideas we discussed previously, like we have three drafts in TLOMB, (one more to come) but the chapters are set with a pattern so we can’t update it yet.
          I have been bored though so I’ll be updating TWE and maybe Management 101, so that’s that!
          Sorry about this, maybe after quarantine we will go on an updating spree, who knows
          Anyway peace out!


What's up guys, guess what? Another story you say? Well you're correct!
          I know, the fifth story, so much right?! This book is just a temporary replacement for TWE, but don't worry, when I start rewriting that book again, this book will stay up.
          So this book will be a little bit nicer than the others, but that's not saying much to be very honest.
          Just don't expect anything great, the SWG family doesn't leave much to imagination.
          Anyways, peace out bromies.


Hi what's up! It's me, ya girl, Mina
          So, it's been officially announced that TWICE's Jihyo and Wanna One's Daniel are dating. I just wanted to say, I love being a multifandom, so, I guess I'm fine with their relationship. But, poor Mark.
          Mark doesn't deserve this disrespect!! Mark doesn't deserve to be cheated on! You should feel ashamed Daniel! #StaystrongMark
          Anyway, that's all I had to say! <3


Hey y'all its your favourite author Seulgi here to report on the status of SWG. 
          So recently Mina and I have been suffering from a bit of writers block with our new series The World Ending and The World Being Blessed. We know what we want to include I'm the next chapters (or at least one of us does sorry those of you who are waiting for The World Being Blessed I'll try and get something out soon), but we don't know how to include them into the story. 
          As for The Muslim Life of BTS, expect a chapter in a couple of weeks or so. 
          That's all I'll be talking about today who knows maybe I'll turn this into a series where I just talk about my random thoughts would you guys be up for that? 
          Thank you guys for being so patient we'll try and get some chapters out soon. 
          Signing Out