
this message may be offensive
My eye has never twitched this much for a week straight...
          	Looks like that's what bullshit professors (except 2 of them) do to you i guess


I only have six weeks to hang out with friends that have made my high school years the best I could have ever imagined.
          I only have six weeks to look around me with the eyes of a growing teenager.
          I only have six weeks to wake up into my daily routine of school work and incompetent teachers.
          I only have six weeks to embrace all of the people I met that I couldn't even imagine being friends with.
          I only have six weeks to accept that yes, I am going to college and a good one at that.
          I only have six weeks to shed all of my fears and doubts about college.
          I only have six weeks.


Also that profile pic is 


 Lol i appreciate the concern but no, I'm okay! :3 I originally had 6 weeks until I graduate high school. I actually graduated on thursday 


I've been looking at Markiplier confessions from fans and some of them are complaining that he changed his playing style. I understand since I'm the person who would listen to the Adam Gontier Three Days Grace rather than the new Three Days Grace.
          but seriously, Mark is gaining subscribers faster than I could even eat. Yes, he won't be as in touch as he was when he had only a few thousand subscribers but that doesn't mean he's changing. I know I found Mark when he was at six million subscribers but I've watched his old videos. And I'm glad that he changed his style because before, to me, he was like Cryaotic. Mark has grown these past years and I'm proud to say I'm one of Markiplier's Heroes.
          But if you guys can't accept the change, then go to someone else. And he does speak what's on his mind, he does so in some of his vlogs. You don't expect someone to talk about world hunger while playing Outlast now do you?