
I'm testing this to see if you'll get a message 


@Team-JOHN105 Yeah. What if the copy they eventually come across isn't the first time they meet this version of Yin? I was thinking he could potentially be used as the villain, or at least one of the villains, for the gender swapped RP, flung into a separate dimension by the same thing that causes Honoka and company to be brought to the main teams' Remnant, and after landing he starts causing trouble, leading to the heroes having to band together and actually work together to stop him. That's just a first thought though, could probably use some work


To anyone who's been interested in my comics and other attempts at art and storytelling, you may like my latest work, the first to a series of animations I'm working on, trying to tell an interesting and engaging story with as little dialogue as possible and very limited colors. Here's a link to my first animation.
          I hope you enjoy and have a great day.


@ShadowNathan777 Hey it's good to hear from you again. I've been doing well, spending a good chunk of my time babysitting my cousins and being on and off looking for jobs. Currently, as you can probably tell from my previous message, my main passion at the moment is animation, trying to tell short but effective stories about my characters with little to no dialogue. Most of my animation is currently pretty simple, but I've been enjoying working on it. 


@ShadowNathan777 Mate, it's been a while. It's me, your old RP Friend. How are you doing? For me, I've become too busy, right now I'm attending College. It has been a while since our last RP, huh? But we both know we're both too busy with our lives. But even then, I noticed your message and I come and say hello. I hope you're doing well in this Pandemic, mate.