
There's Light In The Darkness - Original Anime Novel coming soon


After The Shadow Among Us: A My Hero Academia Story Season 3 chapters is complete I'm gonna give y'all the bonus to post chapters of season 4 of The Shadow Among Us: A My Hero Academia Story! So be on the lookout for those chapters!


Just wanted to to inform that, when I finished typing S3 of The Shadow Among Us, I do S4 after that for next month or two, I'll be working on S5 of The Shadow Among Us in script form, after that & typing that in as well, I'm gonna take a break on The Shadow Among Us after S5 & work on a another MHA story, that involve Kage's point of view of the people is part of his life, himself, the villains, & the society. The title for that is: "The Shadow Among Us: Kage Tatsuma's Secret Journal", so be on the lookout for that soon!


Updates for the 5th chapter of The Shadow Among Us: A My Hero Academia Story! Chapter 5 is gonna be split into 3 parts cuz of how long the page is cuz it's over 21 papers in 42 pages & here's the title for 3 parts:
          Ch.5 P1: Intro The USJ
          Ch.5 P2: Where There's Smoke There's Fire
          Ch.5 P3: PLUS ULTRA!!!
          After these 3 parts of chapter 5, I'm taken a break on typing all this in plus I'll do some q&a for the 1st arc of this series & other story arc of this series in the future but at the mean time, leave you question in comments, also don't spam the same question or send so many comments of your different questions just make one comment of any or all of your questions! But anyway that's all I have for this updates for today & be on the lookout for the 1st past this coming soon on Sunday or Tuesday! Peace!