
Friendly reminder that if you are a furry, Wattpad doesn't consider you enough of a person to investigate hate speech directed at furries. I've reported a few comments that were talking about how awful furries were and that the only good thing was the Bolgy Wolgy song. Wattpad sent a generic, 'we do not believe that this is generally offensive to our  viewers, and if it offends only you it doesn't really matter.' So yeah Wattpad doesn't care about furries enough that certain posts can not get flagged for this. I don't know who needs to hear this but here.


Friendly reminder that if you are a furry, Wattpad doesn't consider you enough of a person to investigate hate speech directed at furries. I've reported a few comments that were talking about how awful furries were and that the only good thing was the Bolgy Wolgy song. Wattpad sent a generic, 'we do not believe that this is generally offensive to our  viewers, and if it offends only you it doesn't really matter.' So yeah Wattpad doesn't care about furries enough that certain posts can not get flagged for this. I don't know who needs to hear this but here.


Anyone else feel like they just aren't worth it anymore? I don't know what to do honestly, I'm afraid of taking a knife, yet that's where mot of my thoughts are nowadays. I'm trying to get better but I really can't, especially when I can't even feel comfortable as myself. Does anybody else know how to help?


@ShadeStar413 Hey, I understand, I found that even just a distraction like talking to friends or family really helps, try not to spend to much time alone with your thoughts. But, the main thing is, to get help. I know it must seem so hard to tell someone about how you feel. If you feel bad like this, I strongly suggest talking to someone that's job is based around helping people that feel like this, or you can call a helpline/ lifeline.