
Happy Pride Month!


To stay extra safe out there, we recommend checking out our reading lists <3


Seeing as though DMs are getting eradicated because Wattpad's too lazy to address the real issues regarding scams & harassment, managing our book clubs will have to take a slightly different turn. 
          We're aware not everyone wants to download Discord... which makes this difficult. At first we thought to create a book specifically for communications regarding the clubs... but we don't know how people would feel about that. Then we had this idea that if the person/group you're paired up with share a common social media website such as Insta, you can chat there. But truthfully? Both honestly sound a bit ridiculous. 
          It's inconvenient, it sucks, and honestly... we don't know what else to do. If any of our members has ideas, drop them down below!


@SeyfertHub there are anonymous document sites that let you collaborate like with google docs... maybe having one and calling it the "bulletin board" with having everyone write what they wanna say there?


1)We're Hiring! 
          ~Architects (Graphic Designers) 
          ~Nymphs (Book Club Managers) 
          ~Gods (Promoters) 
          ~Phoenixs (Reviewers) 
          ~Muses (Host/Event Managers) 
          ~Space Cadets (Mini-Admins) 
          Note that we do not accept people who 'dislike' or feel 'uncomfortable' with the LGBTQ+ (& other minority content). Why? Because every day, harmless people that have been on this Earth since before your parents were even a thought in your grandparent's minds... is completely & utterly scientifically & biologically proven to be natural. Our lives are not an 'opinion', & 'respecting' us whilst also 'ignoring' a core part of our identity, is just a backhanded way of hating us directly (it is not respect like you think it is; if you don't see someone as a valid person, then you cannot 'respect them')- thank you very much. Let the door hit you hard on the way out. 
          "You can be friends and have different opinions." Absolutely! On clothing styles, TV shows, or food. Not human rights, dear! 
          2) We previously published this, but recently added more information (regarding false accusations that came from 'loving communities'). And yes, it's 3.1k+ words long (a shame that we actually had to explain this as it should be common sense, but here we are): 
          "At the end of the day, I'd rather be excluded for who I include, than be included for who I exclude." ~Anonymous


Seeing as though we hardly received any entries for our Awards in the past month & a half, it will be canceled. This happened last year as well. So we honestly don't believe we're going to continue unless directly asked. 
          Secondly: If you're one of the people who lump in Mature & LGBTQ+ together, for the love of God, please don't. They contradict. Period. As in: You're implying the LGBTQ+ is a taboo subject that little kids cannot understand. Not all LGBTQ+ content is Mature, & nor should it be considered a TW (trigger warning). 
          ~If your Straight book has adult scenes, label it 'Mature'. 
          If your LGBTQ+ book has adult scenes, label it 'Mature'. 
          ~If your Straight book only has light, fluffy, hand-holding scenes, then it's safe for kids under 13. 
          If your LGBTQIA+ book only has light, fluffy, hand-holding scenes, then it's safe for kids under 13. 
          You don't need a degree in rocket science to figure that out. 
          When you group LGBTQ+ & Mature together, it further gives our community a bad image which we cannot afford. You're implying LGBTQ+ is a sensitive, illicit subject (when that is not the case). No one has "Is your book Straight/Mature?" in their Awards, & neither "BIPOC/Mature"- So why should the LGBTQ+ receive that treatment?


That’s sounds sad that your canceled the awards I really want to join 