
Hey guys!
          	So, I obviously have not been on here in quite sometime. And to be frank I haven’t been writing consistently during that time. I’ve been avoiding this app and website, and I can’t even fully explain why. The only thing I can really explain is that mentally I was going through a lot and under a lot of stress. School and personal stuff, I’m sure most of you understand. 
          	However, I’m in a better mental state these days and I’ve been working on some stuff, old and new. I finally have been able to make myself go through the comments and things that have been written to me the past while. I want to thank all of you who have still stuck around even through I wasn’t posting like I should. Thank you, seriously. I’m hopping to have some stuff out soon, but I want to have quite a bit done before I start posting regularly, ya know? So maybe a week at most and then I’ll start back up. 
          	What do you guys want updated the most? I’ve seen a lot of comments for my Percy Jackson/Harry Potter crossovers. Is that what you guys are want to be the fastest? I want to make a schedule, so I need your feedback. 
          	Anyways, Thanks for reading this, and I’m sorry for it taking so goddamned long. 


I NEED to have the harry/percy crossover updated!


@SerinaTheNerd If you ever see this then please update I Don't Need A "Quirk". But seriously, are you ok? Still alive? Did you completely forget you had a wattpad account?


@SerinaTheNerd can you come back, I love ur books..


Hi! I am Irene and I wanted to know if I could do a translation of one of your books. 
          I've read 'The Grandson of Voldemort Is A What?' and it was so much fun. I had a blast reading it and it was some of the best works I have seen on this site. Your style is so descriptive and interactive. 
          I am fluent in Korean, Mandarin, Spanish, German, Russian, and Arabic. I can do translations for any of these. I'm so sad the series haven't been updated for so long. Could maybe continue a little in my translations? (with a disclaimer ofc) I can even adopt the story if you want? 
          I'll give you full credit for the story (except the parts written by rick riordan and rowling respectively) and only take credit for the translations. I would love to be able to do this translation if I can, I love this story and I want t bring it to a wider audience.
          Thank you!


Heyyyyyyy. @SerinaTheNerd I just wanted to let u know that ur stories r awesome. I also wanted to let u know that I have been waiting for ur story 'sealed shut' to update for over a year. It is still one of my favorite fanfics even after a year. I just wanted to let u know that me and probably lost of other people are waiting for u to update. And are gonna keep waiting. Idk what happened. And if ur even gonna see this. Who knows. Maybe u deleted this app. Idk if this is gonna do anything but if u do see this, I hope u consider updating. I'll be waiting for ur return ❤️❤️