
That was depressing, anywayyyy have a nice day guys  


Any tips on how to get out of a numb state? like since January I have a feeling I’ve been living on autopilot and i just can’t anymore. (I can’t really describe how I feel but I’m just so done I might just skip school for three days but my parents are gonna be so pissed and disappointed and just won’t understand) 


@Sera_Ferina anytime, let me know if you need anything else <333333


@JoanOfArcsLoveCat I’ll do that thank you so much for the tips <333


@Sera_Ferina try looking back on other patterns, for example, if it’s happened before then try and remember what got you out of the previous state


My mentor guiding me throughout me writing my paper is actually going to kill me, I keep sending him my progress around 5 am or so like he has already commented on it saying that he rather has that I sleep and sent it a day later than stay up so late  I just work better at night lol


Is it normal that your teachers make you so miserabel that you break down in tears on your way home and at home like for two days now! Also it’s kind of like a two week work test so we are with the same uncommunicative teachers for two weeks form 8am to 8pm and it’s destroying my mental health so much my mother recommended a psychologist and honestly yes!