
I noticed how much space the award and review pages are taking up at the end of _Ancilla_ (a lot - and I keep having to make new pages) and so I've decided to put them in a separate book all their own. Each award and review, furthermore, will get its own page, for the sake of clarity.
          	I will take care of this when I am no longer at work, typing between calls.
          	Additionally, I will continue to add the award stickers and review blurbs to the 2024 Awards Book to the appropriate page for each contest when entering my results (win, place, show, or nothing at all).


@SeraDrake I decided to do that with my ongoing if I find enough comedy awards, but I am only entering it after I finish unless it's first-chapter contest.
          	  I don't want aesthetics.


It's accomplished! And I have to say I feel proud of myself. I made a pretty cover for the award portfolio, (I say, preening...)


@SeraDrake I was going to do that with my main novel.


Thank you for following me ♥️♥️♥️
           Hopefully we can continue to support each other along the way in the future and become friends 
          Feel free to reach out anytime for a chat 


@TheInkspired - I don't do a whole lot of chat - I don't have much of a life outside of my family, my garden, and my work (insurance sales, writing, marketing my own writing because I am not conventionally published, and art). But I'll try to remember to be social every now and then.


Hi, I'm sharing my new book. I hope that you'll like my work and after reading the chapters leave a vote if you like and also share your opinion in the comment section in every chapters. Thank you. Have a great day. HAPPY READING...


You made my day and week in all of this. Thanks for the comparison to  @WendyyWolfe  :-) It was kind of you, thank you.  Wendy is just the sweetest ever.


            Oh yes you are. YES! and more so. Absolutely, 100%. ♥️


I sadly, not as nice as Wendy. LOL But I try.


I noticed how much space the award and review pages are taking up at the end of _Ancilla_ (a lot - and I keep having to make new pages) and so I've decided to put them in a separate book all their own. Each award and review, furthermore, will get its own page, for the sake of clarity.
          I will take care of this when I am no longer at work, typing between calls.
          Additionally, I will continue to add the award stickers and review blurbs to the 2024 Awards Book to the appropriate page for each contest when entering my results (win, place, show, or nothing at all).


@SeraDrake I decided to do that with my ongoing if I find enough comedy awards, but I am only entering it after I finish unless it's first-chapter contest.
            I don't want aesthetics.


It's accomplished! And I have to say I feel proud of myself. I made a pretty cover for the award portfolio, (I say, preening...)


@SeraDrake I was going to do that with my main novel.


While driving to brunch yesterday, my husband and I passed a senior living community that had just been built and was advertising that it needed new residents age 55+.
          And it hit us: OMG. We're seniors. We're old. It's official. We joined AARP last year for the discounts, after a few years of solicitations from them, and now this. 
          I must remind myself of the old saying "Don't mourn being old; not everybody has that privilege."
          Happy Monday.


@of-wine-and-ecstasy - The United States has a youth-centered culture. It's been that was for decades - probably started with the post-WWII baby boom, especially when the boomers reached their teens. That's when the concept of the "teenager" was invented, and the group heavily marketed to.


@JankyFluffy - I'm 24 years and holding. How many decades I've been 24 is personal, classified information. ;) 
            My husband and I celebrate our 22nd anniversary next month.


Thank you very much for adding my two latest books to your collection! 


Thank you again for adding more of my books!!! ❤️


Thank you so much for the follow!! Your support means the world to me! ♡


@SeraDrake I love Melia! I am! I love poetry!! It's such a good release for pent up emotions


@m25_bookworm - MDJarin recommended you. I trust her judgment. And it turns out you are a poet, too! I like poetry.


This looks like a good one, too, but it's filling up fast in the more popular categories, so if you want to participate in a popular category, hurry. I'm not sure I got my Fantasy entry submitted in time. Romance is FULL already.
          Science fiction and mystery need more submissions. So does action/suspense. So does horror. So, I think, does comedy. 
          The host is also looking for judges. 


          I just entered the Salzburg Writing Race, because the idea of being part of a relay racing team interested me (I asked to be on the Romance team, by the way). The Salzburg Writing Race can be found here: 

          I'm also going to give the Celebrating Easter Award 2024 a shout-out. I am not going to enter that contest (good grief, how many contests have I entered, by now?) but I would like to point out that the contest is still wide-open and in need of many contestants. 
          I've also offered to be the judge for the LGBT category, although I haven't gotten around to filling out the application form yet. 
          The Celebrating Easter Award can be found here:

          Finally, I am going to put in a call for entries AND judges in the Prose Pioneer Contest. Both are needed. What are you waiting for? Come and join the pioneering fun!