
Shout out to “The Makings of Greatness” for making me think of Valera everytime I hear “dancing in the moonlight” makes me smile everytime and that story is amazing. Go give it a read


As some of you know, we lost an amazing person today. Technoblade, who so many others like myself looked up to. He’s been there for me for so many years and well, you can probably guess how I feel. I feel heartbroken that this happened. My condolences go out to his friends and family, I can’t possibly imagine how they feel right now. And I want to thank all of you because together we did amazing things for him as his family, and if you watched the video then we know we put his siblings through college if they chose. He was there until the end. Thank you Techno, for all of the content you’ve made and how many times you’ve made me laugh when I didn’t feel like it. And after all TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES BABY!!!! He will always live in our hearts and minds. May you fly high Techno and try not to kick too many orphans up there unless of course, it’s for self defense 


Here’s a thing I have mixed feelings about, I love remembering all these little details about certain oc x Obi Wan books like them being force bonded by Qui-Gon and not being able to be a certain distance apart like there’s a scene I remember, them getting married and having they’re droid there (I have a comment in that scene that someone replied to but I’m to lazy to look that far), them having a like force (?) tattoo after they got married. Like idk what fanfics these are from and idk if I’ve saved them but if any of these sound familiar please tell me and that these aren’t fever dreams I’ve thought of


Yo. I'm alive. Sorry for not posting anything in the last 2-3 months, I've been busy with school and other projects. The reason why I haven't really been writing is because I wrote myself into a corner and I don't know what to do from here (also I looked at my past writing and god it's so bad). So because if this, I'm rewriting. I'm planning everything out, the plot the characters and kinda how each chapter will go. So as of now, Echoing Nightmares will most likely be discontinued. I may come back to it in the future but as of right now, I'm working on a new book. It is MCYT related so you'll have to wait until that one comes out to learn more about it. And I'm thinking about writing a Marvel book with a friend from school so be ready for that as well. 
          Now go eat and drink something and he some sleep,
          Love you all 


THERE WAS A KID AT MY SCHOOL TODAY WHO WAS WEARING A FULL ON DREAM COSPLAY!! GUYS IT WAS SO COOL AND IT WAS COOL SEEING HOW MANY PEOPLE RECOGNIZED HIM!! God it was so cool and now I'm going to do I just need to get a cosplay together but guess what? I just put together a Techno cosplay, I just have to order it and in good


Yo shout out to the girl who I met last night who recognized my Ranboo sweatshirt and talked about the Dsmp with me (which I didn't know ended until like 2 days ago. But at least I can catch up on Lore now) and started singing the L'Manberg anthem with me and my sisters and my cousin when Hallelujah started playing at this show we were at while we were camping for the weekend. You were cool. Also new content is coming and it's going to be a one shoot set in the future


So I got the new techno plush. I actually got two since my mom ordered the wrong one first. Also a fire started in the kitchen at school today so everyone has to leave like 15 minutes early. It definitely wasn't scary. Anyways I've been writing my Dsmp book for almost 6 months now so that's really cool. Uh I'm going camping this weekend so I won't be able to update but I'll be sitting in the care so I'll probably get some ideas. I'll wait to post until I have two chapters ready. So yeah, sorry I keep promising to post, I just don't have anything that's completed but I did work a little bit last night