
Hi, all!
          	It's been a while, hasn't it? Things have gone a little crazy round here in the fandom, but I'd like to say that I'm back! I hit a really bad slump with motivation, so I just didn't have the inspiration to write my stories for a while. Motivation is a fickle thing, really. So, I took a break from wattpad for about a month, and I come back with gifts! I wrote the final few chapters of The Things I'd Rather Forget and, once I get around to editing them, I'll publish them and tuck my first book away, finished and completed.
          	I want to thank all of you for waiting so long, I appreciate it a ton <3
          	-Selva :)


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@Sel_va_ please it has BEEN TO FUCKING YEARS I want an update 


@Selvarain Nice! I love your books, keep it up!


Old screw it I am writing a fan fic of irregular heart beat see you soon


@shortfilmstv2 it's over a year later and you still haven't made one. And besides, I don't think you should continue the story without permission


I am threatening that if an update doesn't come out by next week I will make a fanfic about the fanfic 


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@shortfilmstv2 FUCKING CHILL OUT BRO..
            Selva probably quit wattpad! Or something else might've happened thats preventing them from writing!!
            They could've been logged out and couldn't get back in, or something could've happened in their personal life that.. could probably/probably has result(ed) in a possible death/coma/kidnapping. We'll never know. But lets hope it's just that they've been logged out and couldn't get back in.