
Hello, I know I've been gone for a while. Just some heads up before I leave once again. I think I will be unpublishing my book so I can focus on major editing. And also, I'm a graduating this year so I have to focus on some stuff in college. I really had fun in this platform, I wish I have more time. I don't know when I will unpublish it or when I'm coming back. But anyways thanks for the great time people.


Hello, I know I've been gone for a while. Just some heads up before I leave once again. I think I will be unpublishing my book so I can focus on major editing. And also, I'm a graduating this year so I have to focus on some stuff in college. I really had fun in this platform, I wish I have more time. I don't know when I will unpublish it or when I'm coming back. But anyways thanks for the great time people.


Hi everyone! I know it has been long since I posted here and publish new chapters. i was super busy at school now that Im finally finishing college. I was not actually planning to release another chapter today but i just decided on a whim since this is probably my last free time before hell week at uni starts again. (somebody save me) anyways, I update the latest chapter and I will try to update few chapters that I had already finish. Please continue to support book and hit me up on my private message if you wish to communicate with me. Thanks.
          P.S. I miss reading some of the books saved on my reading list so much, Im sorry for not being active that much.


I need help, please respond. 
          Hi everyone. So I've been reading few chapters of the books in my reading list and whenever I try to leave a comment, it doesn't show. I'm using my phone when I read, and commenting is very hard. It doesn't allow me to post or even type . Please anyone who knows what should I do? 
          What could be the problem? 


@DeejayDJ010 thank you for the suggestion but π-π it didn't work π-π 


@Alice143Moon maybe I should try this, thank you


just as I was hoping for my schedule to be less demanding, now im stuck with 3 fvking thesis and a fvking colloquium program! srsly this is like the 11th thesis i made for this year. English course is the worst!


i was so excited to read and write. for anyone tryna think what course to take on college, dont take up language istg. dont be a linguist like me coz yall be stuck making one thesis per subject. With all that I have accomplished, I should already have a PhD by graduation smh


Am I the only one who gets SO disappointed with their work?
          No matter how many time I look at my published piece I get this intolerable feeling to keep editing the format andun the end I hated it. I get so angry with myself because I'm very impatient when it comes to writing but at the same time very lazy. I'm a busy person, but all I want is to sit on my desk and write the next chapter. But the moment I do, I ended up having a mental block. Or even at the moment I get to finish one chapter a day, I ended rewriting it dozen of times but still get upset about it.
          I don't know what I'm doing! Writing is my first love, and I used to love doing it. But now I get so stress by just trying to think how to start a chapter.
          Right now, even tho I am physically trying to stop myself, all I can think of is to do a deep editing and rewriting of my book.
          It frustrates me to the point I just want to stop writing! But I can't let it go because I spent a lot of time and effort studying the course of every elements in my book and story.
          I don't know what to do!
          I just want to fall in love with writing again! 


@SchtxzaLore Nah, because I feel this too. Whenever I finished writing and published it, my mind would always find little flaws, and I cannot stop myself from editing again and again until I am satisfied with it or until i'm tired of it.
            I am constantly in writer block, but then again, I do have ideas, but whenever I try to write, my motivation will would always FLEW OUT of the window, LIKE A SPERMDONOR WHO WALKED OUT TO GET MILK.
            It's like, I DO know what I want to write, but I just don't feel the motivation to write it, which is very frustrating, and I keep getting distracted by my surroundings. This cycle just kept repeating, and it pissed me off.


(  @SchtxzaLore  )  i’m  so  sorry  you  feel  like  this!!:(  are  you  pre—writing   your  chapters?  it  got  recommended  to  me  by  a  friend  and  now  i  find  that  it  helps  SO  much.  maybe  you  should  try  writing  out  your  chapters  on  paper  before  writing  them,  or  a  way  to  get  motivated  could  be  looking  into  the  future  and  imagining  a  really  good  plot  that  could  happen.  maybe  pre—write  plots??  i  hope  you  find  the  motivation  you  need !!
