
Reposted sold, probably going to start the sequel soon, its been a while, but im back lol


Hi hope your doing well, just wanted to say that I loved reading Rejected! I really hope you can come back and finish it sometime soon. You're a really great writer please don't give up.❤


@EndlessHeights- I also make bookcovers, if you'll like I would love to make a cover for this story! :)


omg i just came across your story Rejected and i love it so far the character depth and arc is so interesting that i read it all in one sitting.  Im hoping against all hope that you havent given up on writing and that you come back to finish this book.  I would definitly buy it even if you get it published too.   please update please


OMG Your update for different. You made my heart hurt and my eyes had tears. If I can feel the emotion that you have your charters portraying and picture there faces then, your FKN AMAZING... Don't let anything discourage you. Take every negative comment as an constructive criticism. Keep your story ture to yourself and not what the read what.