
this message may be offensive
PSA: If you have a friend that constantly blocks you, calls you an ass, and then blocks you and won’t take any accountability, that’s not your friend, that’s a narcissistic bitch who doesn’t deserve your friendship. Friends listen to each other and not say “whatever offends you” as if that takes any blame away from them. I’m glad that I cut my ex friend off and will gladly trade her in for a newer bff that is actually a pretty cool person that doesn’t defend the church or the confederate soldiers, is LGBT positive, and inclusive of other people. I’m done with my ex-friend and she throws herself a pity party and cries crocodile tears when she needs sympathy. It’s become predictable at this point and I’m glad to be rid of her and her bs. If anyone who needs accountability lessons, it’d be her and not me. And all over a confederate flag.


@ifuknowmeudontxx Wouldn’t be surprised, he did have a desk that you could cook on, though.


ooo so can big Australian man do the cha cha slide


@ifuknowmeudontxx Mixed with looney tunes type level comedy within the game and lore. Like how a big Australian man can one punch a yeti and kill it on impact, and wouldn’t be the first time he’s punched an animal with his bare hands.


@Sc0rpi0G1rl98 Quick question ever heard of a game series called persona?


@Br1an5 Sorry, never watched the that show before since it never aired so I could watch it. If you’re suggesting these show so that I could cover them on my page, then you’re outta luck, I’m not going to writing something I’m invested into getting to know the characters and their personalities. Plus, these shows would need to be available to me through the means I already have, such as I’ve been watching The Owl House through and even YouTube if the episodes come out.


this message may be offensive
PSA: If you have a friend that constantly blocks you, calls you an ass, and then blocks you and won’t take any accountability, that’s not your friend, that’s a narcissistic bitch who doesn’t deserve your friendship. Friends listen to each other and not say “whatever offends you” as if that takes any blame away from them. I’m glad that I cut my ex friend off and will gladly trade her in for a newer bff that is actually a pretty cool person that doesn’t defend the church or the confederate soldiers, is LGBT positive, and inclusive of other people. I’m done with my ex-friend and she throws herself a pity party and cries crocodile tears when she needs sympathy. It’s become predictable at this point and I’m glad to be rid of her and her bs. If anyone who needs accountability lessons, it’d be her and not me. And all over a confederate flag.


@ifuknowmeudontxx Wouldn’t be surprised, he did have a desk that you could cook on, though.


ooo so can big Australian man do the cha cha slide


@ifuknowmeudontxx Mixed with looney tunes type level comedy within the game and lore. Like how a big Australian man can one punch a yeti and kill it on impact, and wouldn’t be the first time he’s punched an animal with his bare hands.


PSA!!! Please don’t come onto my page mocking that you love a character more than I do, that’s just immature and selfish and stuck up on your end and I will indeed block you since you decided to pick a fight with me. You’re not edgy, or cool for harassing my page and mocking how much you love a certain character. It’s not a competition and you’re not special for saying that. Please be kind and respectful on my page or I will block you and report you as well for harassment on my page. Please be kind and courteous towards me since I’m writing stories not just for myself, but for you for free. I’m taking time out of MY day to write stories that YOU love for me to write and to come onto my page with negativity isn’t going to get you anywhere. Please don’t be like @Caineshusband and be a nuisance


@WeirdLifeLiver_13 That’s talking to you and writing some fun stuff about the fandoms I’m in. Also writing for Aliza and Madi being besties


@Sc0rpi0G1rl98 Yeah, just do what makes you happy!


@WeirdLifeLiver_13 Thanks, I’m still going on with my works. I don’t make any money off these books and they’re completely free to read for all.


Starting to draw Madi for my OC insert fanfic so that you can all see what she looks like. I’m excited, but skeletons are very hard to draw since they have so fine details that you can’t imagine the pencil lines that need to be fine enough to erase, thankfully, I’ve drawn a skeleton previously and this is my second time drawing a skeleton and my second time drawing a horse skull. I still need to go find that reference so I can draw the head correctly. Big hope she turns out well.


@WeirdLifeLiver_13 Thanks, she’s got a lot of little details that need fine tuning to make her work for the show


@Sc0rpi0G1rl98 I'm very excited! I'm sure she'll turn out well! :3


Hello! Thank you for the follow!


@YourLocalWicca Only difference is I didn't


I recently went through something with a friend that did mess up stuff and I called him out on this app


@YourLocalWicca Yep, hopefully we can move forward


omg Sally May- i simp for her so much 95disry


Thanks for the follow


You can check out my series when you have time.


@godzillahalofan Yeah, I was just making sure I wasn’t weaseled out of my work. I know it’s not good enough for animation nor to give commissions


@Sc0rpi0G1rl98 thanks for the follow!!! 


@JuanDeleon198 cool. I’m gonna continue to write my haiku


@Sc0rpi0G1rl98 okay then. and I am gonna continue helping my friend named: @godzillahalofan with his book series called: "The Neo-Axis: Mulitverse At War" Book Series.


@JuanDeleon198 Ok, soo....I'm still trying to process that I have a fan. Excuse me for my reaction when you told me you were a fan. I'm used to being not someone that people are fans of.