
Just wanted to ask for both books currently, but what do you guys think about me adding (player) as well? It's going to be a dude, but you guys can pick whatever name he can get, that or I just call him player.
          	I'm asking cause I have ideas on what to do, but it's also dependent on if he's added along in the stories.


Just wanted to ask for both books currently, but what do you guys think about me adding (player) as well? It's going to be a dude, but you guys can pick whatever name he can get, that or I just call him player.
          I'm asking cause I have ideas on what to do, but it's also dependent on if he's added along in the stories.


It's now officially my birthday  


@NCreading thank you, this actually made me happy to see. I hope you have a great year too :3


@SayuriKisune  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! hope you have an amazing year full of happiness and blessings,very sorry for the very late greeting 


I'm sorry for how much I haven't been active. I've been busy with work, streaming and trying to work on my drawings, to where I kind of lost track of time for my books.
          I've been adding to the chapters, but haven't uploaded them yet. But thank you for all the reads, and I'm happy to see the comments reassuring that you guys like my versions of stories/ fanfics, I plant to make more once I get more chapters out.
          I already have ideas of a couple new books, bit I won't post those till I get more done in the current two. Thank you for being patient with me, and I wish you all a lovely day :3


@SayuriKisune it's alright mate. I'm excited for your updates have a great day yourself! 


Wow you're stories are great! Well done. It's a very unique idea very creative. 


@DrBones1101 well you're doing a great job when you get the ideas. Stunning! 


@DrBones1101 aw thank you, I get writer's block sometimes but I'm trying my best 