
Hello my loves! Would just like to share with you that me and Ashtyn and Kaitlyn have created a discord for us all to connect and share our stories/ talk about books 
          	If you are interested click on this link 
          	If the link doesn’t work comment below your user or message me on instagram. Which is. Katewattad 
          	Don’t forget to share this with friends who maybe interested too.  ❤️xox 


Hello my loves! Would just like to share with you that me and Ashtyn and Kaitlyn have created a discord for us all to connect and share our stories/ talk about books 
          If you are interested click on this link 

          If the link doesn’t work comment below your user or message me on instagram. Which is. Katewattad 
          Don’t forget to share this with friends who maybe interested too.  ❤️xox 


Knock knock  
          Who's the?
          Amo who? 
          A mosquito 
          Knock knock 
          Who's the?
          Ana who?
          Another mosquito  
          Anyway, I'm Liam. I hope I'm not disturbing. ⛔I just wanted to invite you to my book, C Is For Carmiabell Locks. It's a Fantasy-Mystery and I promise you will love it ❤️
          Thanks for your time ️ and have a nice day. 


Hey there, Savage.
          I'm sorry for the unexpected comment but since wattpad removed the PM feature, I had no other choice except to write here.
          Forgive my rudeness, but if can and want to, I hope for you to give few seconds of your precious time into reading this book and if you agree with the author's opnion, including mine and many other users, sign the petition inside the book, and share it of you can and want to.

          I apologize for disturbing your peace and I hope you will have great time. ❤️
          Until next time 


@HannahHelan it’s okay! Awe no way im sorry that’s happened but I’m positive you’ll gain a lot more soon enough! <3


@Savage_satan Aw, thanks for following me although my profile is empty and pretty much dead and for actually checking out my message.
            You know, I was starting to lose the hope since almost 80% of the people I messaged them ignored it. T_T


Hey no problem! We definitely need to bring back the private messages I’ve lost touch with a few people from this :( 