
I AM SAD! Clara's story is said and done. And I've been dreading it for a long time. I am so sorry that it took years to come back and finally finish her story. But thank you everyone for sticking through it. *Final bow for Clara*


I AM SAD! Clara's story is said and done. And I've been dreading it for a long time. I am so sorry that it took years to come back and finally finish her story. But thank you everyone for sticking through it. *Final bow for Clara*


I am having an impossibly time getting back into the mood for writing :( I'm going to be editing my stories in hopes I can get some inspiration!! I'm so sorry guys. 
          Also I deleted my Emerald Green, Draco Malfoy story. I think I want to speed things up and do more of a flash back story with Jade. 


I'm sorry :( that's the only words I can form at the moment. I feel this pressure to make each chapter perfect and when it isn't, I scrap it. I think I've written 'Dancing with Fire' maybe three times now. I've deleted every single one. I feel like it isn't up to standards and everyone's going to be disappointed. I'm sorry, I hate that Im feeling this way since everyone wants a new update. I'm trying. I feel my writing isn't good enough or maybe I'm not writing a good enough picture, I hate that I think everything needs to be perfect. Just be aware I haven't given up. I want my writing to be seen so bad, I want people to be excited about my story,  and I want the story to be GOOD. I don't want to let anyone down, I'm trying everyone. So please keep me motivated. (Everyone's doing a great job). 
          So with that, I want to say thank you. I want to thank all of the people that continue to wait for me and wait for everything I have to offer through my  writing. All of you are amazing. And I'm so sorry that you all have to wait.
          I think this is getting to long, so with that please continue with what you're doing :) I love all of you so much and I appreciated every read, every vote and every follower. 
          THANKYOU!!!! ❤️ 
          And please don't give up on me.


I am not giving up on either of your twilight stories!!! I love them both so much!❤️ I especially love your Emmet one ‘Burning Up’.


Please continue your story of paul lahote. I love that story. There aren’t many good fanfics of Paul Lahote and this one is so so good. Also I love maddelane petch. However you spell her name. Lol 


I will! I love writing Clara's story and there's still more to come. Thank you so much for reading ❤️