
I UPDATED!!! Go read it but! This took me a longggg while. But I'm so glad on how it's turning out ! I hope everyone is doing okay! 
          	- A xx


hello everyone~!
          yeah im alive still shocking i know. But I just wanted to come on here and say, I miss you all very much, I don't know when I'm going to return but I will hopefully return some day!
          also another announcement, if you didn't know, the real life calum hood is taken. But the problem is that he's taken by someone problematic. I don't stand her. I never will but if you like her or think her actions are okay, please unfollow me. I will never ever stand with people who think it's okay to put out lesbianphobic statements, or joke about the current ongoing war. I don't want to say what she said but you can probably look her up on twitter. 
          anyway! Hope yall are doing okay! See you guys soon!
          - A xx


hellooo, its been a hot minute. but ive been thinking, I dont wish to spend my whole lifetime writing about 5sos, shocker I know. But ive been thinking to write about the anime fandom! Im talking my hero academia, Haikyuu, all that fun stuff.  Don't get me wrong, I still love 5sos with all my heart and soul. They are what made me turn into me, but one can't be writing about a band always. 
          Anyway, if you are still here, I thank each and ever one of you for sticking around. Fun fact, I just turned 20! The big number huh. I still have no idea whats going on anymore. haha. Anyway, Let me know what you think about this change yes? 
          Love yall!
          - a <3


@CALMwhore hi! Thank you so much!
            And I see, but you're happier now, and that's great! Might really start working on those one shots soon haha. Also thanks for supporting! ♡


@Satanicboiii congratulations for turning 20 :)
            I stopped writing about 5sos at around 19 or 20 too.  Do what makes you happy 


Hi frends! It's been- nevermind, I'm gonna flat out say it. It's been too long. Yeah I know I suck but that's because wp is dead. ANYWAY! My bday was a week back and uh. Let's just say, it wasn't the best. But aye. 19!! Fun! 
          Hope everyone is doing okay!!