
Hello, friends!
          	So I've started doing a new fun (aka seriously intimidating) thing where I livestream my painting process on Picarto. The most recent painting on Tumblr, I did that completely from beginning to its current state (which is seriously unfinished, I just need to take a looong break and refresh my eyeballs).
          	The new banner for our page, which you can see above, was the first piece I worked on in livestream sessions.  You can also see the full, complete version (plus the various stages it took to get there) and its counterpart piece on our Tumblr too.
          	I have a lot more things to paint still (the list is endless omg), so if you're interested in catching me during a livestream session, you can set up a username on and find us under sarahandvictoria, then sign up to be alerted by email when we start a new session.
          	OR, just keep a lookout on our Tumblr for when I post a link to a livestream session. I usually do late afternoons-evenings PST, and I'll probably come up with a tag specifically for it too.
          	Then you can get sneak peeks of art/future projects, or ask questions in the chat!


ok so i seriously LOVE your book empath(even thoughi am just on the second chapter now) and like you have got a great talent for writing. Seriously. I can totally see how your got into the hidden gems section of wattpad.
          All the Best!


Hello, friends!
          So I've started doing a new fun (aka seriously intimidating) thing where I livestream my painting process on Picarto. The most recent painting on Tumblr, I did that completely from beginning to its current state (which is seriously unfinished, I just need to take a looong break and refresh my eyeballs).
          The new banner for our page, which you can see above, was the first piece I worked on in livestream sessions.  You can also see the full, complete version (plus the various stages it took to get there) and its counterpart piece on our Tumblr too.
          I have a lot more things to paint still (the list is endless omg), so if you're interested in catching me during a livestream session, you can set up a username on and find us under sarahandvictoria, then sign up to be alerted by email when we start a new session.
          OR, just keep a lookout on our Tumblr for when I post a link to a livestream session. I usually do late afternoons-evenings PST, and I'll probably come up with a tag specifically for it too.
          Then you can get sneak peeks of art/future projects, or ask questions in the chat!


How long have you guys been writing?


@Yellowirina Separately, we've been writing since forever.  I wrote my first story when I was like eight. (To which I gave to my mother and she was like "That's nice, dear.")
            I finished my first complete YA manuscript my freshman year of high school, which will certainly never see the light of day ever again. But I still remember when I decided to just go wild and simply start writing on my winter break, when it was California-cold and cloudy and I had the computer all to myself, and so I just wrote and wrote with no idea where it was going. Best feeling. I never stopped after that.
            But together, we started with RPing together in AOL chatrooms. Mostly Sailor Moon RP which wow we haven't changed in fifteen years. In high school, we started doing the same, but with more original stuff, and then it slowly evolved into writing actual stories together via Livejournal. I used to sneak replies during class since she was three hours ahead of me.
            But now like 99% of the stuff we write is collaboratively, over the much more useful Google  Docs.  Actually, you can read all about that in an interview we had with one of our favorite writing help blogs on Tumblr:
            We also write a LOT, all the time, every day we can. We've probably written a whole library by now, but we didn't keep track in the beginning, because when we finished books, we just moved right on to the next. 
            We kind of still do that. OOPS.
            Thanks for your question!


Hello friends,
          As you may have noticed, I didn't post a new chapter of Marie yesterday. You might also have noticed that the first book of Marionettes is totally up and completed.
          So! Starting this Friday, I'll begin posting book 2 of the Marionettes series, Fracture the Spider's Web, where the big mystery continues (I'd say "fun" mystery, but I don't think many of those involved with the mystery would exactly agree with me). Marionettes #2 will update on Fridays and Saturdays!
          Also, Marie's updates will be moving to Friday as well, hence the leap. We'll see how this works!
          - Sarah