
I have a lot to say, but I will shorten it to fit it into this post.
          	First, I have come to the decision to take down Who's That Girl? and take a break from Wattpad. These past weeks, I felt obligated to update. I felt pressured. I wasn't updating for myself. I wasn't writing because it was my passion. I was writing and updating because I felt responsible to. And I don't want that.
          	Second, I am still undecided if I will ever go back to this account again. 
          	Still, to all the wonderful people, friends, and my marshmallows that I have found here, thank you so much for everything.
          	This isn't the last that you'll hear from your Marshmallow Queen :) I might come back in the form of a new account❤️


Awh girl , I hope you come back. Your story was my favourite and I will miss our chats in the comments . Your story made me laugh and gave me hope! I was wondering why it wasn’t in my library . But you take time !
          	  Okay. Cause thats all that matters is that you are happy ❤️❤️ love ya 


Thank you :) and I'm not really gonna leave. I'm still going to be here on Wattpad, just not on this account. As for WTG, it really did pain me to take it down because the story was really close to my heart .


@Sapphire_Summers oh my goodness! I know how it feels though, because I've kinda done the same. But, I just want to say, you're book was really good and unique. I hope, in the future when you feel ready to come back, that you continue it, end it, do something with it, because it is rlly good. And I hope you continue writing too, bc you have talent. Good luck with life, have a nice day, and well, I just think I should say this bc, I rlly believe it, to never give up on writing, even if you don't write a huge thing, a little writing here and there won't hurt,ya know? 


I have a lot to say, but I will shorten it to fit it into this post.
          First, I have come to the decision to take down Who's That Girl? and take a break from Wattpad. These past weeks, I felt obligated to update. I felt pressured. I wasn't updating for myself. I wasn't writing because it was my passion. I was writing and updating because I felt responsible to. And I don't want that.
          Second, I am still undecided if I will ever go back to this account again. 
          Still, to all the wonderful people, friends, and my marshmallows that I have found here, thank you so much for everything.
          This isn't the last that you'll hear from your Marshmallow Queen :) I might come back in the form of a new account❤️


Awh girl , I hope you come back. Your story was my favourite and I will miss our chats in the comments . Your story made me laugh and gave me hope! I was wondering why it wasn’t in my library . But you take time !
            Okay. Cause thats all that matters is that you are happy ❤️❤️ love ya 


Thank you :) and I'm not really gonna leave. I'm still going to be here on Wattpad, just not on this account. As for WTG, it really did pain me to take it down because the story was really close to my heart .


@Sapphire_Summers oh my goodness! I know how it feels though, because I've kinda done the same. But, I just want to say, you're book was really good and unique. I hope, in the future when you feel ready to come back, that you continue it, end it, do something with it, because it is rlly good. And I hope you continue writing too, bc you have talent. Good luck with life, have a nice day, and well, I just think I should say this bc, I rlly believe it, to never give up on writing, even if you don't write a huge thing, a little writing here and there won't hurt,ya know? 


Hey, my marshmallows!!
          For those of you who are readers of Who's That Girl?, I'm sure that you guys have noticed that I haven't updated yet. I'm truly sorry for that. I just finished my exams and I have volleyball games right after it. On top of it, I have to stage this play for a big chunk of my grade and I am just really stressed out. 
          I promise that my next update, which will be on WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. I will try my best to give you guys two updates on each day, which will be a total of FOUR updates :) 
          That's all :)❤️


Yooo, it's been a while! Dude, you draw fashion sketches? Because omggg sameee!! <3


@Sapphire_Summers Well, this is awkward.. Lol nvm, I'll just go then xD byeee! ✌


It still doesn't ring a bell lmao I know so many people on Wattpad, that I don't even remember my own account sometimes XD


I dunno how to make a broken heart with punctuations and numbers lmao xD.. Maybe like this:  </3 lol