
Good Afternoon and Happy New Year,
          	I just wanted to update that I am still writing chapters for "Growing in love with you" I have a few chapters that are down but I want to write a few more before I start posting every week again.
          	Thank you for your patience
          	Kind Regards,


Good Afternoon and Happy New Year,
          I just wanted to update that I am still writing chapters for "Growing in love with you" I have a few chapters that are down but I want to write a few more before I start posting every week again.
          Thank you for your patience
          Kind Regards,


Hey Everyone,
          So I will be taking down "Olympia's Journey" for some heavy editing and continuity purposes because 1st and foremost I want my work to resemble and be what The Most High would like. Two, as I said editing purposes and I want to be listen to God.
          I will continue to write "Growing in love with you" as I intend it to be the book before "Olympia's Journey" since I'm attempting to write a series on the whole family. 
          Just a heads up this will take time since I do work and I work long and late hours and when I post I want to have a few chapters so that you guys can read and at the same time I dont have to feel rushed to put chapters out possibly not doing best work or missing out on what The Most High may be trying to show me. So with that being said  I'm sorry if I'm behind more than what y'all would like but I thank you for your patience and understanding before hand.
          Kind Regards,


Hey Everyone,
          Just wanted to post an update about "Growing in love with you" I will be posting two more chapters between tonight and tomorrow and the next update after that will most likely be in two weeks.
          You guys have caught up to me and I need to write some more lol   Im a bit behind where I wanna be because I been working a lot. If I can post sooner than two weeks I will.
          Thank you guys for understanding
          Kind Regards,



Hey Everyone,
          Just wanted to make y'all aware. I will keep up "Olympia's Journey" for now but it will go over a massive re-write soon for correcting errors and for continuity purposes since "Olympia's Journey" is book 2 (It's book 2 for now. That may change in the future.) in a series I am doing. I am currently writing and posting a book called "Growing in love with you" which is book one and that is based on her parents. 
          I appreciate your support and patience with me. 
          Have a bless day
          Kind Regards,