
I feel like crap rn I just want my life to be over! 


Today is a day set aside to remember and honor late civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. MLK Day is commemorated on the third Monday in January each year. Today's official holiday is Jan. 19, four days after King's actual birthday on Jan. 15. King was born Jan. 15, 1929 in Atlanta. 

          This will be hard choose hard young Jedi!  Lol  
                                                 ~ ✌out 


Y'all today I feel really bad my dad got home at like 4:00 pm and has to go back to work at 11 @ night and so he just wanted to get some sleep before leaving he woke up at like 5:40 maybe and freaked out he thought he was late and he was talking to me and saying he missed it and then looked at the time ( like if I'm up at 11 I'm in trouble especially if I'm watching tv and just chilling I have to do that in my room. I can't just be awake I have to be awake in my room)