
First Chapter of my new story is up it is a love story with Jason this time and I'm super excited to write it so go check it out!


@SamiKW oOoOoOOOoo I haven't seen you active in a while! I'm looking forward to this series!


I've been gone for months I know but I'm coming back and I'm writing a new book. It's an AU where Tim has a twin sister and takes place if their dad hadn't died but Tim chose to stay with Bruce and his sister stayed with their dad. I've had the idea for a while and figured I should write it so stay tuned I guess.


so my parents just sprung the news that we are going to my uncle's house where there is no wifi for a week. Therefore I decided to post early rather than late so yeah chapter 1 is up. I was planning on tweaking it a bit but it's fine. Hope you enjoy it.


@SamiKW awwww
            i'll still wait for your updates!


I'm posting the AN and character list for the Jokers son story along with the description today cause I wanna know how yall feel about the characters. The first chapter has been written but sadly I have to wait 5 more days to click publish. :(




here is a sneak peek for the Ace story the first chapter will be published July 7th
          After being adopted by the former Robin Jason Todd, Ace decides he wants to be a hero so people like his dad can be stopped permanently. However, the teenage boy is constantly flirting the line of hero and villain learning the two aren't black and white all while trying to earn the heart of a girl he's not allowed to have. Will the Jokers son overcome his past like his new dad or will the boy snap just like his father.