
Hey guys! Sorry I've been so inactive on here lately..I have a bunch of excuses, but I really don't think anyone really wants to hear them, so I'm just going to quickly let you know that in a few days, I will probably have a lot more time. I'll try rewriting Reversal, editing TBWTPO and continuing Bright Eyes, Heavy Heart during this time. Hopefully you guys still remember me, haha. I'm back, and it feels like coming home xD


Hi Aria. I know it's been a while since you've been online, and you most likely won't read this.
          I wanted to thank you, for your beautiful works. They have inspired me countless times.
          I'm not here, to spread rainbows and unicorns. Quite the opposite really. The only difference is when I see the storm clouds and hear the thunderclaps, I try to silence them.
          So once again, thank you so very much, for helping me.
          Lots of admiration,


@nightlyi dear Sarah, 
            Sorry for literally taking years to see this, but THANK YOU. You made me so happy. Thank you for reading, and for writing this. 
            With love, 


Hey guys! Sorry I've been so inactive on here lately..I have a bunch of excuses, but I really don't think anyone really wants to hear them, so I'm just going to quickly let you know that in a few days, I will probably have a lot more time. I'll try rewriting Reversal, editing TBWTPO and continuing Bright Eyes, Heavy Heart during this time. Hopefully you guys still remember me, haha. I'm back, and it feels like coming home xD


Hey guys,
          I've recently started a youtube/tumblr project called the 'Somebody Loves You Project.' It's essentially a project dedicated to having people learn to love themselves and be appreciative of what they have. It would mean THE WORLD to me if you would check it out. 

          Please please please support this? Thanks for your time :) ♥


Alright guys, I've taken down Reversal again, because I feel as though I'm just not able to do the idea justice right now. I promise I'll get back to it the second I feel inspired. It's just that I'm very, very busy with a new project I've started  and so I'm a 100% focused on that. I'm sorry (not that many people were reading it).