
Now my baby dancing but she's dancing with another man


I miss u so much. I haven't been the same without you. You made me whole. I was so happy and excited with your presence now that I'm sitting here lonely and sad because I have nothing. you're my everything  I wouldn't be here without you I'm so happy I meet you. Btw you broke your pinky promise but idc


Im going silent n I'm leaving everybody ik alone
          Sorry for bothering yall to the people ik Im going to stop talking to you


@Sage_VS_The_Wrld I just want you to know you don't bother people but take a few breaths and then remember you are an amazing person who anyone should be grateful to have in their life.


@Sage_VS_The_Wrld Hey Risa you're not a bother, if you need to talk we can but if you want a break take it spend some time doing something relaxing kay? ❤