
I'm disappointed, Wattpad. Very, very disappointed. You didn't have to take away our only source of one on one like this. Nope.


Another exciting news, guys!
          You already know Scorned Blue participated in the Bloomers: Awards 2023-24 by the Esthetique Community and scored top in the Setting category. Well, the story was also being judged for the Opening category. The results just came out and guess what?
          WE WON AGAIN!!!
          I mean, wow... winning both entries in a same award event?
          This is a new record, even for Scorned Blue!


Congratulations, my fellow Muslim friends, we reached another Ramadan!
          May Allah give us all the blessings, happiness, and ability to pray more through the blessed occasion of this month.
          Ramadan Mubarak!!


@JonLeePeto Thank you so much for your concern, dear. Don't worry, I'm not thinking about such things for myself. It's just a reflection of life I observed closely so the thought came to my mind. There are many souls trapped in a loophole thinking they don't deserve to live or just feel plain tired of existing everyday, and they have no one to talk to, to share their insides. It's saddening, really.