
Well, well friends... it's been a while, hasn't it? More writings to come, but first, should I begin a new series or continue the old? Or both? ;)


I know I've said this multiple times, but since school's let out I sincerely promise to add more chapters more often! What I need from you lovely people is 1: to keep reading :) and 2: would you like me to make this story a trilogy or start off fresh and make a new story? Comment your opinion and make sure to check out my new postings when they come out soon!Thanks and keep being awesome! ^^(A)^^


@STinspiresMe Right. That's true...but I literally meant the "beginning" of the music. Okay, so I'm sure you know how it sounds like maracas when the song first starts...right? Well that's actually a packet of sugar being shaken by steven. See, he ordered a set of instuments that included maracas because he wanted that sound for Sweet Emotion. Except when he got the set, they left out the maracas. He found a packet of sugar laying on a speaker and...yeah. That's sweet emotion.