
Heyy, so quick little update, my goal is to update Consumed: 1941 next week sometime. I don't have an exact date yet, but I'm finally nearing the end of this chapter and it's going to be a long one. After that, all I have to do is edit.


Heyy, so quick little update, my goal is to update Consumed: 1941 next week sometime. I don't have an exact date yet, but I'm finally nearing the end of this chapter and it's going to be a long one. After that, all I have to do is edit.


Recently I've had some people asking about when I'll be posting next and I don't have a date yet but if you want updates on my writing and you like book reviews and what not you should give me a follow on instagram @ slynbarnesauthor 
          I always update on there when I'm writing, editing and close to posting. 


hii! when are you updating your story? im loving it!


@liz_1232 Heyy! So glad you are enjoying the story so far, that makes me so happy to hear. I am working on the next chapter slowly, but surely. I don't know when I will have the next chapter out if I am being 100% honest, but I will update as soon as possible. I currently have quite a bit going on and I recently started to binge read all SJM's books and I'm trying to work on this so it's taking longer than usual. Not to mention that this next chapter is incredibly important for a lot of reasons, so I'm really taking my time with it. I hope to post ASAP. 
            Thank you for reaching out, if you follow me and add the story to one of your lists, you should get an update when I post. 


Story Update: This next chapter is on the way, but there is a slight delay. I know I don’t have any timelines for when I post at the moment, but I still wanted to let you know. I am working on it and I’m about halfway through. I had something really awesome happen this week and it’s turned into a full on project that is taking all of my time but I’m hoping I’ll be back to writing next week. I’ll have the chapter posted ASAP. 


Hey Loves, 
          I have some news about this series and all of my other stories. I have been losing interest in a lot of my projects for the entirety of this year and it's been a lot for me. I don't want to disappoint anyone or myself, but a lot of thought and consideration went into this decision. I still love these stories, I love and appreciate all of the support that each and every single one of you have given me and I am so grateful to have been allowed to go on this journey as far as I have with you, but for now at least, I am pressing pause on my Wattpad and TikTok Works. My heart lies with the series of novels I have been working on the last few years and I just am ready to dive into it without any other distractions. I just feel like my work lately for this series and for Forever and when I was writing Consumed... just lacked my true potential as a writer and also started to become very draining in a way it shouldn't be... in a way my dream project never is for me. I know I have better work to offer the world and I want to put my best foot forward. So for now, this journey of Fanfiction writing has come to an end for me. I may return in the future but I make no promises. 
          I posted the rest of this season because it is what I had finished and I didn't want to deprive you of the rest of the season that I already committed to. One day, I do hope to return to finish this series because I do have the rest of the story mapped out... I would just need to find it in me to write it and either post it here or both post it here and TikTok. I love this story and the journey of these characters. I hope you all have too, I truly am sorry for ending it like this, but I need to go where my heart and my writing is taking me.
          If you would like to follow my writing journey, you can follow me @slynbarnesauthor on Instagram. I love you all and just know my DM's are always open. 


Hi Loves, 
          So I really just wanted to come on here and talk to you guys for a moment. I know I have been behind in posting...everywhere. And I want to be honest with you. I can't wait to return to my normal schedule, but I honestly don't know when that will be. I have been really sick for going on 3 months now and it's been really hard on me. I really miss writing and creating for each of you, but until I am well enough at least, I won't be posting. I love you all so much. I hope to be back soon. I just really need to take care of myself right now. I hope you all understand and I appreciate your patience. 


@chaoticness234 Thank you so much for understanding! I can't wait to be back for you guys!


@Carrieleann87 Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Same goes for you! I'm always here. Feels free to reach out to me on any of my social media platforms! :)


Don’t worry about us hon! You focus on getting better so you can give us 100% 


Hey Loves, 
          So I know I am supposed to post on Monday for my Forever Fic but I think it will be delayed just a bit if not later this next week then it will be posted on Monday, April 10th. I apologize for the delay, this week has been hectic, but I plan to be back on schedule ASAP.
          Love S.


Hey Loves, I am working on the next chapter still. I know I said that I would be posting more often and I promise that is still the goal. I keep getting terrible writers block with this chapter and have really been struggling to capture it the right way. I'm hoping to have it out in the next week or so. 
          -Love S.