Okay, so they’ve removed Merlin from like every streaming platform where I live and I’ve had a hard time finding good scripts so I’ve had to put a pause on The Daughter. I have every intention of continuing Rowan’s story and am excited to keep writing, I just have to figure out where I can best find the series and good source material.
          	Thanks for your time!
          	Hope everyone is having a lovely day!❤️


@liliooy Thanks! I’ll check it out!


@SIXEIV Hi! Try I have the same problem as you, but I found it on this platform. I don't know if it will work for you though, but it's worth a try 


Okay, so they’ve removed Merlin from like every streaming platform where I live and I’ve had a hard time finding good scripts so I’ve had to put a pause on The Daughter. I have every intention of continuing Rowan’s story and am excited to keep writing, I just have to figure out where I can best find the series and good source material.
          Thanks for your time!
          Hope everyone is having a lovely day!❤️


@liliooy Thanks! I’ll check it out!


@SIXEIV Hi! Try I have the same problem as you, but I found it on this platform. I don't know if it will work for you though, but it's worth a try 


Hi! So I know that I promised an update by the end of this month but unfortunately some stuff in my life got in the way and I have yet to finish the last chapter. I am about 75% done but I really don't want to rush writing this story and make the last chapter seem forced and sloppy. There are so many things I have wanted to adress with this chapter and feel like I would not be doing this story justice by rushing it. 
          I hope you can forgive me!
          Have a lovely day! <3


Please tell me you are still attive and that you will finish your story!


@matybimo That makes me so happy to hear/read! I really enjoy writing it and the characters. I’ll try to have the next chapter out sometime this month. It’s probably going to be a pretty long one.❤️


So happy you will finisht it! It’s my favourite King arthur story :)


@matybimo  I’m still active! Some stuff has gotten away of writing lately but I have every intention of finishing Sticks & Stones!❤️
            So glad you like it!


I am currently working on the last few chapters of Sticks and Stones. This has been the first story that I've ever posted and it has honestly been so much fun to write.
          When the entire story is finished I will be going back to edit it. There are currently a lot of spelling errors and plot holes, I know. XD


Cannot wait for you to finish "sticks and stones". I really love it, please don’t abandon it.


Thank you so much!


@matybimo Posted a chapter today! So happy you enjoy the story this far! I love writing this story, it has a special place in my heart, so although it might take me some time, I have every intention of finishing it. <3