We are always here. 
          	Whenever you need us, we are just a PM away.
          	If you need a shoulder to cry on or someone talk to you, advice you, or just someone who would listen to you without judging you. 
          	We are here.
          	PM any one of us on our personal accounts. You'll definitely get a reply.


@mystic_shine Unfortunately we do not accept new members, but if you found anyone that needs help you should help them by making them at least smile or get rid of their negative thoughts. 
          Helping people doesn't need to be a member of a page, you just help people and someday when you need help you'll find someone to help you too
          Thank you! And good luck dear!


Wow, I can't believe that I didn't find this account before now... I envy your guys attempt to try and make the world a better place, but there's only so much you can do... if there's anyway I can help, pm me and I'll try to spread this account around to those who need to see it 


@iisbeissues it's no problem at all! 


@iisbeissues Hello there, I'm one of the members here and thank you for this amazing and encouraging comment here :)


I am so glad that you guys are doing this!! I have myself met so many people this year who are in depression and wanna harm themselves... I tried my best too and I am so, so very happy that you guys have come together and made this beautiful collab! #respect


@spreadingsmiles15 That means so much. If you ever come across people who need help, you can always help them out (which I am sure you will, you seem Amazing) or just ask them to PM me on my personal account.


@SAVE_EVERYONE I am so glad to know people like you


@spreadingsmiles15 Helping people is our goal :)


Hello everyone here :)
          I just wanted all the ADMINS and our supporters to know that I think we should start affiliating with ogher projects , have a talk with their admins and try to help gain this movement a momentum.. and not only this but other amazing projects out there as well, willing to make a change.
          Say we start talking to other famous projects or ones who are yet no so famous like ours? 
          Also guys,
          Check out @AwareTheWorld .


@DayDreamer10236 Your profile pic! ❤
            and thank you :)


Hey guys!  I'm one of the new admins [@queen_of_nowhere ] and I really hope to make a difference.  Sure, we may just be a group of teens and yes, I know that there are hundreds of groups of teens who want to make a difference.  But hey, maybe if enough groups of teens who want to make a difference band together, than maybe we truly WILL make a difference.