
Hi evry1


I want to thank all of those who have supported me at this time since I am sick. I have no answers but, I can see more, worse, and new symptoms here and there. I just want to thank all of you guys who have hoped the best for me as I am still sick. I'm trying to eat more and more everyday which is going okay, I just have bad acid reflux so I have to watch what I eat. I eat small portions of breakfast and lunch. I'm trying to get myself on a better schedule and diet once the doctors know what's wrong. Thank you all and I love you, please continue to pray for me ❤️ 


@S3x_muRd3r_aRt  the yellow skin is a sight of liver failure by the way I hope you get better


@S3x_muRd3r_aRt NOOO that's horrible, I really hope you get more scans. I hope you feel better soon  


Hope you feel better<3


Does anybody's mom constantly harrass them everyday at home but then act like you are such a good kid outside of home. I swear I get blamed for everything and it makes me so fuking mad, I want to call cps on her so bad because she doesn't even care about me anymore istg 


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@S3x_muRd3r_aRt fuck that's horrible, im always here if u wanna talk okay?


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@s3x_muRd3r_aRt i feel you, man. My dad does the same thing; he’s fuckin narcissistic and doesn’t give a shit. If you ever need to talk I’ll gladly let you vent to me about anything you need <33 


My door is open


When you know that you are never going to be able to talk to him ever again but, plot twist, he's the one who made you feel bad but you still stayed loyal and kept talking to him so now you can't let go even after MONTHS of separation. :(


@S3x_muRd3r_aRt real, after 1-2 years of no contact he came back just to end up leaving again:( 


@S3x_muRd3r_aRt I just hope that nobody has to relate to this because if you can then I am so so so sorry 