
Everyone— I’m sorry I haven’t been able to keep my promises and my writing schedule consistent. Between dealing with my exams coming up and a few other issues I haven’t been able to budget my stories into my timeline. But I promise as soon as everything is dealt with I’ll be back to writing again, busy as a bee! ^^
          	Also— if anyone has suggestions for story ideas or what they would like to see me write— let me know. 


Everyone— I’m sorry I haven’t been able to keep my promises and my writing schedule consistent. Between dealing with my exams coming up and a few other issues I haven’t been able to budget my stories into my timeline. But I promise as soon as everything is dealt with I’ll be back to writing again, busy as a bee! ^^
          Also— if anyone has suggestions for story ideas or what they would like to see me write— let me know. 


I decided to take down my Soukoku Vampire Au for now since I don’t really like how I’ve written it. I’m most likely going to be creating a new one but let me know if you would like me to just rewrite it instead.


@Russianhatter okay! I'll be waiting then


@-Honey_p1e- Ah sorry— I’m removing/ adding a bit to it currently and I should have it published again by the end of the week 


@Russianhatter I was reading it when you took it down 


Bro— Wattpad took the Gifted Crisis down. ;-; I just got out of surgery are you kidding me?!


@Emi_Kana I’m trying my absolute best to appeal it and get it back but worst case scenario I’ll have to rewrite the entire story T^T


@Russianhatter NOOOOoooooooo I cant find it anywhere!!!


A new crossover fic is currently in the works so the new chapter of S^x with a Ghost will be getting a slight delay— but I’ll get the new chapter posted by the end of the month or the beginning of April- depends on what my writers block and time will allow. 


Ya’ll I’m sorry for the slow updates. It’s just been things have been going on and writers block is a bitch. I’m going to try and release a new chapter for Blood Sore and S^x with a Ghost soon— probably within this month sometime. Near the middle or the end. So look out for that I guess. Anyways, have a great day!