
Come one, Come all! I'll grant you, between a broken rib, the day job & rearing a very energetic 3 year old it has been a little tough writing recently. But for your pleasure i present Prey-Chapter 5: A Leader of Men. Check it out. You know you want to :P


Come one, Come all! I'll grant you, between a broken rib, the day job & rearing a very energetic 3 year old it has been a little tough writing recently. But for your pleasure i present Prey-Chapter 5: A Leader of Men. Check it out. You know you want to :P


Hey all,
          I thought a reward was in order, considering 200+ reads so far & all the votes, it has been very encouraging. I am falling a little behind in my personal deadline for chapters being spewed out due to work, family, cartoons etc, but I am aiming to fix that as we speak, so the next update should be within the next few days.
          That said, I’m still hoping for more comments, feedback of any kind so long as it’s constructive. 
          I say this not as a attention getting scheme, but more to see how many people actual like my work, every little bit helps :)
          So leave a comment & have your say, Oh & vote, vote, VOTE, my pretties! (Now that is an attention getting scheme)