
Chapter 24 is now Posted!!!! Happy reading. Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!


DEEP DIVE :: A weekly Contest
           ݊    ꒰ㅤ DEEP DIVE ㅤ꒱ㅤ something mysterious that the Queens of  Marina ᭡ have been talking about.
          The letters ◞ ◟ go out and it's something in the new libraryㅤ ੭୧
          “The empty bookshelf behind you is waiting for books to ☆★ compete each week, win the hearts of our sharks . ⇄ . who would be judging and achieve a deserving place in this book shelf”  Queen Keeya ꔫ tells everyone at the inauguration of the library. 
          ᶻ z  what are you waiting for then, dive into the water to Marina, swim across the kingdom to ╰╮ Deep Dive ﹗
          Prove your ،، ˖ books  are worthy of the bookshelf in the library, and win our shark's take on any aspect of your book ﹑ᝰ
          link ::


Question of the Day: How is everyone doing? 
          I just want to check in on my lovely readers. So really, poor your heart out.
          Much love, Kylie


@Rupe01 preach it girl, tysm ^^. i rlly need to do good on this since its technically my exam LOL


@Cabin6girlwriter I really think that's just what most people do is survive, there is something always holding them back from living. I hope whatever is holding you back goes away. I hope you did well on your English paper as well <3


@Rupe01 im surviving lol, just trying to finish school and make it to summer. had a major anxiety attack from my english paper lol but all is good


Question of the Day: What is one thing that you LOVE about your mother? I'll go first.
          I love everything about my mother, there is nothing in this world that I wouldn't love her for. But one thing that I really love her for is that she is willing to sacrifice anything for the sake of her children. Willing to sacrifice her life, willing to sacrifice anything and everything.
          Mother's Day is coming up my lovely readers, let's make this year the Mother's Day that they remember. 
          If any of my readers are mother's or soon to be Happy Mother's day!!!!!!


@Cabin6girlwriter I love that answer fr. A hug from your mother is like no other


@Rupe01 thats a rlly hard one, i love how compassionate and wise she is. always willing to give me the best advice and a hug


Question of the Day: What is your dream vacation? 
          I'll go first. My dream vacation would have to be traveling all across Europe. Europe is such an amazing place to me fr. There's so much to learn there, the history, the culture, the food, the people. There's so much that schools just don't teach you nowadays.


@BenjiRosa6 Wow, I love that take on it honestly, I've never heard that question being answered like that. Really opens up ones eyes


For me, my vacation would be a void. An endless seemingly forever void to where my thoughts my came to live and my life to reside in with those who my mind thinks of.


@Rupe01 Europe for me as well. I want to go through Ireland, Switzerland, France, and others like and really take time to experience them all either by myself or with my best friends


Question of the day: What do you think the meaning of life is? I'll go first
          A bit of a deeper question, but I think that the meaning of life is finding your purpose, finding your passion, finding your greatest love, finding you. To me, if we find and complete everything you were put on this earth to do, then we wouldn't be alive. If you are still alive, you have not completed what you were meant to do. 
          That's just my take on it anyway. Whats yours?