
Hey guys! 
          	Long time no see! I’m not really here to make excuses, just to explain lol. I’ve gone to college! ✨✨ it’s stressful, but that’s okay. It’s kinda killed my wish to write recently (especially cause I’m going summer term) but I’m trying to get back. I found that I’m a bit stuck mainly because of where I’ve left off on my previous books, so what I plan to do is write a project I’ve been wanting to write for a while now! I promise I’ll get back to my other books, but in order to relight my passion I need to start with something I’m passionate about already! 
          	I hope this isn’t too much for you guys and I’m sorry for taking such a long unexpected hiatus! I hope to be back soon! 
          	I hope you all are having an amazing morning, noon, or night! 


@Rshores I’ve been alr! We should catch up some day!


@justsome_nerd hey! How’ve you been?


Oh wow she actually lives! Fr tho glad to see you’re doing well!


Hey guys! 
          Long time no see! I’m not really here to make excuses, just to explain lol. I’ve gone to college! ✨✨ it’s stressful, but that’s okay. It’s kinda killed my wish to write recently (especially cause I’m going summer term) but I’m trying to get back. I found that I’m a bit stuck mainly because of where I’ve left off on my previous books, so what I plan to do is write a project I’ve been wanting to write for a while now! I promise I’ll get back to my other books, but in order to relight my passion I need to start with something I’m passionate about already! 
          I hope this isn’t too much for you guys and I’m sorry for taking such a long unexpected hiatus! I hope to be back soon! 
          I hope you all are having an amazing morning, noon, or night! 


@Rshores I’ve been alr! We should catch up some day!


@justsome_nerd hey! How’ve you been?


Oh wow she actually lives! Fr tho glad to see you’re doing well!


Hi! My name is Rachel Stark ^^ well, English in not my native language, but i tried to translate
          one of my successful Fanfics about Percy Jackson into English, and i am trying to get
          to the right audience. 
          i saw you love Percy Jackson Fanfics and i would appreciate it so so much if you could give my Fanfic a try as wellit's BL ^^ i really hope you'll like it!


This might seem a bit weird that I remembered but happy birthday I hope you enjoy it 


@Rshores  Happy birthday then lol  probably belated by now tho 


Omg thank you! ✨✨ you don’t know how jaw dropped I was that you actually had remembered though.


Hey guys! 
          IM ON SPRING BREAK ✨✨
          This means I can FINALLY get back to writing, thank God. I do want to ask something of you all though, with my demigod and the Robin book I have a few later chapters in mind but at this point I’ve begun to neglect my other projects too heavily. I can turn the future chapters into one shots so that they will be shown but they’re going to come out slower, this would hasten the Wonder Woman book as well as future projects I have lined up. 
          So long paragraph short, do you guys have a preference, or do you want me to finish the Demigod and Robin book first before finishing the Wonder Woman book? 
          Anyways, I super apologize for my slow schedule as of late, to be completely transparent this year in school is VERY important which is why it’s taken precedence over my writing. 
          The schedule of books I have lined up as of now is 
          - finishing Demigod and Robin
          - Finishing Wonder Woman 
          - Adopted book from other creator
          - Jason x Percy
          - Dick x Percy 
          As ideas come and go I may tweak or get rid of ideas but as it stands this is what we got lol.
          I hate writing long messages but I am known as a professional yapper in my real life so I apologize lol. I hope you all are having an amazing morning, noon, or night! I love and appreciate every single one of you, and please lmk what the preference is so I can plan my writing schedule accordingly!


@Rshores Ahhhhh i’m so excited!!!! I love all your stories, especially demigod and robin!!!


@Rshores Yaaaaay! although my spring break is abt to end i will have your stories to keep me sane in school


@Rshores the author has sadly not been active since 2022 in any manner I doubt they will notice your msg asking for permission. 
            Obviously I get that if they don't give the permission you can't adopt their work, but it's like no one will can complaint if you do adopt it❤️


hello I have published a poem please tell me your thoughts


Thanks a lot it really means a lot to me, and since I am fan of your stories, knowing that you like my poems is overwhelming ❤️❤️


Hey! I loved each poem! Your writing is spectacular! Poetry is so difficult and yet your work is absolutely gorgeous!