
Chapter Three is out! Go read hehe. 


EVERYONE!! I’m releasing book coming soon. It is just the very first chapter that sums to around 4000 words. It is very unedited and I do not know when I will get the chance to shape it. But please read, and comment your thoughts or text me or reply to this whatever :))


I’m posting my new debut novel “Antichrist” on here. Who knows how you guys will respond. It is not edited, I’m still on the first draft. But I want at least a person or two to judge it, if not then, it’s okay. So expect Chapter One today! 


PLEASE READ THIS: I’m thinking of becoming a book cover designer and I need ANYONE to make a free book cover for. You just have to tell me what book on your page and I will make it for free and then DM or email it to you. But the catch is I need you to tell me how much you WOULD pay for it if you were going to. It’s still free, but if you had to. DISCLAIMER: I’m doing this because I need to practice making covers so I can make it a job. I’ll also do it for anyone for all genres and any kind of book. Thank youuuu.


1.46K views on The Runners? Ahhhhh. Unfortunately it’s being unpublished from this app and most likely never to see the light of day again. But I am rewriting it...which I’m excited about since I’ve always been obsessed with the series just not the way it was written. But I just don’t know WHEN I’m going to rewrite it? I’m still trying to learn about writing through videos and I’m trying to become a professional—although I know that isn’t likely at my age—but I am learning so I can make it the best I can.  Bye.