
i wrote a re2r leon x oc fic... do i post it here...


i posted it lamao


toppa the evenin to ya uh i finaaaaaally finished that yuzu extra, gonna read it back and publish it tomorrow i think? god that took forever, hit a little road block i think. hint hint: it's about the time yuzuha goes to visit yuta in africa :3 kinda...?


HELP what happened to kamui and nene pls


so u mean they reincarnated just like the end of kimetsu no yaiba?


@uxllnz It's a rather open ending, so feel free to form your own ideas of what may have happened! I'd like to think they were reincarnated together:D


I can't find the chapter where Kyoya starts to get jealous of TYLKyoya
          PLEASE help me
          I really love fate of ai and is my 3rd time reading it since i found it om Wattpad 


@FereliCooper I'm sorry! I didn't notice the post but I hope you found it! I'm super happy you enjoy my old story so much too!! Thank you for the support<3


so this account as some may notice is on like an indefinite hiatus but I do come back sometimes and read comments. All the votes and attention my books are still getting makes me happy still, even if the quality of my books here isn't up to current expectation. I'm getting back into writing but I don't know if I'll continue books here or not, we'll wait and see :) thank you for the support!


@anime-lover-1127 Haha no worries! I'm trying to slowly get back into the swing of things since I do enjoy writing a lot. I appreciate the support so much!


@RosieeChanman I don't want to pressure you, but I really hope that you come back to writing, because all your works are wonderful. So I have this helps you sway a little more to the 'come back to writing side' (I mean this in a nice, supportive and not a demanding way.)
             ~ Thank you and with best wishes
            (How did this end up semi-formal?)