
Happy Pride Month!!!❤️️‍⚧️️‍


Today is the day. After more than 4 years I have finally finished the last chapter of my Harry Potter re-written series. Goodness so much has changed since I started, the biggest probably being that when I first started writing notes for this series it was on spare paper during grade 12 Spanish class pre-pandemic and now I just finished it on my own personal laptop after graduating as an Architectural Technologist.


I'm done! I have just finished my four years, all classes, exams, assignments, volunteering, and internships. In a couple weeks I will now receive my Architectural Technologist diploma!


In the raised by wolfstar sires you skip book 3, so is 3rd year covered in another book?


@Jtitsurfavhomeboi I have this one chapter fic that covers most of the important things that would happen in Harry’s 3rd year, anything else that happens that year is given little mentions throughout books 4, 5, 6, and 7. Thank you so very much for reading.


Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!❤️‍❤️♥️


@RosieGeee no problems and thx ☺️ 


@MaikoEvans Thanks, I hope you're having a good day as well.


Happy valentines dear friend ☺️


I just lost everything. Someone on AO3 reported my Harry Potter stories and all but two have been removed and a warning has been placed on my account. The whole site is about fan fiction but I guess only if it's deemed original enough. I have spent 4 years on these stories trying to make them as original as possible, to tell it all my way, but I guess because it is still a re-write and not 110% original, someone didn't like that and now they're all gone. Fan fiction is legal as long as you don't make a profit and don't claim the idea behind the work to be your own, neither of which I have done, but AO3 has stricter rules I guess. 
          They also sent me a warning saying if any of my other stories are found to be like this they'll delete my entire account, so the Star Wars story I worked 3 entire years on is going to potentially ruin everything. I'm devastated right now. 4 years of work gone, and if I don't delete 3 other stories a decade of work could vanish to.
          Anyway I guess I'm here to say I might not be posting any new chapters for a while. I was so close to finishing my series but the universe just seems to be telling me to stop.


And like Leia once said you have everything you need 


@YrnPyn Well, thank you very much. Yes, I don't plan to stop writing and posting chapters, although I might have to take a break until my head clears. I have though deleted 6 out of 8 Harry Potter stories and one of my Star Wars stories from AO3 just to be safe as I don't want to jeopardize my other 14 works.
            Everything is still available here on Wattpad though.


Don’t ever stop I’ve been reading your work for years and your a great writer don’t let no one stop you for picturing any story world or universe 
            You have a vision
            Best you can do now is carry it on stay safe out there and be the best you can be 


Well, I’ve known for nearly a full year at this point but I waited until now to tell as today’s the day I’m leave: Guess who’s spending her holiday season on a beach in Cuba ! This girl ☀️️️
          I likely won’t have internet until I’m back in the new year, so Merry Christmas everyone and have a happy new year!


@RosieGeee have fun in Cuba! Can’t wait to hear about it!!


Well...what goes up most go down. My Architect companies biggest client cut all contracts out of no where today, and since their projects funded half of our company we had to cut cost, and I was a cost that they cut. Today has been a rollercoaster of emotions, but at least its a comfort to know that I wasn't let go for doing something wrong, and they said they will hopefully hire me back when the company has financially recovered.