
Hey followers!
          	So grateful for the love you gave me on my first book! I have a mixed news about it. “The dark between the stars” will be unpublished on May 15.



The story’s engaging. Personally i think chapters should be a little longer but overall it seemed nice. Good luck! Hope you get more readers <3


Hi friends,
          I’m sorry for not updating the book for so long. I am not feeling well physically post-exams so I’d like to take rest for few days till I update again. Thanks for the patience Rosies!


Take care of yourself!


Hey, take care! Don’t stress yourself ♥️


          Don't repress your dreams and uniqueness just because some people disapprove your eccentricity. You aren't meant to follow the crowd. Stand out if that makes you feel happy and fulfilled. Don't let anything inhibit your real self. Develop your confidence. Allow yourself to shine.
          “Never regret being a good person, to the wrong people. Your behavior says everything about you, and their behavior says enough about them.”
          Read it aloud now:
          I am great.
          I am relentless.
          I am driven.
          I am ambitious.
          I am persistent.
          I am never going to give up.
          8 rules of life: 
          1. Be adaptable.
          2. Learn to say no. 
          3. Patience is a virtue.
          4. Hard work always pays off. 
          5. Fail fast, fail early, fail often.
          6. Stay away from toxic people. 
          7. Giving is better than receiving.
          8. Don’t let others opinions hold you back.
          Start your day with a confident attitude and a positive mindset. Make this a habit and it can work wonders in the long term.
          9 Habits that'll help you grow
          1. Self awareness.
          2. Positive self-talk.
          3. Constant learning.
          4. Understanding people.
          5. Living in the present.
          6. Not worrying about future.
          7. Not regretting the past. 
          8. No self-deprecating talks.
          9. Believing in yourself.
          Our achievements of today are but the sum total of our thoughts of yesterday. You are today where the thoughts of yesterday have brought you and you will be tomorrow where the thoughts of today take you. - 
          Be silly
          Be fun
          Be different
          Be crazy
          Be you
          Because life is too short to be anything but happy.
          Be around people who're respectful even in disagreements. Choose people who add to your sunshine instead of sapping your sparkle, those who uplift you with their opinions and understanding of you and those you can trust not to deceive you ever. Don't lose them if you find them..
          Take a break. Take care of yourself. Allow yourself time to rest and recharge. And then, keep going. You got this


This is so cute!
            Thanks for sharing it with me <333


How do you celebrate your birthday?
          Mine is on Friday. Can’t believe it’s a year already we were on chapter 7 last year on my birthday when I had second thoughts of writing the book but here we are. 
          I got to make a lot of friends and got a lot of support from my readers. Without you guys the book would never be possible. Thank you all who read my book even just the description, thanks for opening it. 
          For a birthday gift can I get support on my new book “Endless heights”. Not a fanfic but will be surely worth your time. Add it your reading lists, vote and comment, will be very grateful. 
          Take care Rosies!!


@user9376 hehe happy belated birthday! Hope you had fun. 


Omg author nim……my bday was in 23 looks like we are both January…..btw….ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY  