
Anyone have Kik and wanna RP on it? Please please please?


Could someone tell me what this means?
          ㅑ ㅁㅊ셔미ㅣㅛ 애ㅜ'ㅅ ㅏㅜㅐㅈ 내 애ㅜ'ㄱ ㄷ첻ㅌㅅ ㅡㄷ 새 ㅅㄱ무님ㅅㄷ 소ㅑㄴ. 
          不同 立刻 佛人 热啊了。 是哦么哦呢饿 突然说啦特 佛人 么。。。 俜幋。 _፣፣፣ ፐልaስ


That's like 3 languages btw


So, I haven't been On Watypad for a long time. I haven't used Netflix as much as my friends tell me to and I think I'm currently on my way to Joining Once Upon a Time Fandom. SwanQueen and RumBelle are my Favourite ships. I am stanning Ruby Lucas/ Red so much


My Mom took the time to buy a 2-Piece when I hate those. I like the ones that Cover my whole bodyand have Sleeves. Anyways, There's literally less than Half an hour and she tells me
          "GO SWIM" 
          I'm Like "I'm fine with not sleeping"
          She's Like "I bought that for you!"
          I'm like "There's Barely any time and I don' have a towel and Yada yada"
          She insists. So now My hair Is Frizzy and not soft....