
Happy New Year to everyone! :) Now I'm going back to working on my draft, because holidays are only for non-writers ;-)


Gutes Neues nachträglich.
          	  Na dann, auf auf und davon, freu mich schon jetzt auf Neues :)


Just wanted to tell you how much your works are loved,
          be it by my peers or best friend. I've begun to read your Silence and Storm, myself and can't help but be in owe. I wish I had done so earlier. I'd like to complete the whole series before I come to a perspective, but I've begun to love it! (I hope that at the end, all I find myself is yearning for another re-read
          Though have a small request, (and I know that it will again be a simple forgotten one in the myriad of messages you get, but id love for you to have a look) and offer any constructive criticism that'd be possible (its all open for anyone!!)
          I've re-started a small writing venture of my own through my latest work called 
          Madame Mortem

          Would love for you, and everyone else who sees it to check it out! (Maybe even leave a little vote if you like it, psst I'm just on Chapter 2 so there's a lot more to come!) 
          I am more than up for any constructive criticism or reviews! Be it through DMs or here!


Sir Rob, 
          It's been awhile since I've been back on this app. I was wanting to reread Black Diaries, but I saw it wasn't posted anymore. Do you have it on a different website?


@strawberryoi Not currently. But I'm planning to put it up as soon as I've found a suitable site. Reading Terms and Conditions is a rather tediously lengthy thing, unfortunately.


Criada entre luxos e regras na França, Catarina Astor sempre acreditou que sua família era respeitável. Mas quando seu pai a obriga a voltar ao Rio de Janeiro para um casamento arranjado, ela descobre a verdade: sua fortuna foi construída sobre segredos sombrios e alianças perigosas. Presa entre uma sociedade secreta e uma família que a quer sob controle, Catarina precisa escolher entre obedecer… ou lutar pela própria liberdade. Mas até onde ela está disposta a ir para escapar?
          Tá afim de uma história com vingança, protagonista dark feminine e sociedade secreta?  Venha ler Sagrada! Me conta depois o que achou. 


Hey Sir Rob, 
          Miss your works quite a lot, Wednesdays without Lilly and Rick is something I'm terrified getting used do. Take care.
          P.S. Why has your followers list came down? Like, half the people gone! It worries meee!!!


@Azagiyal Thank you for your concern! :) As for my followers, it's apparently something that has happened all over Wattpad, because Wattpad is deleating old unused accounts.