
My new book In The Stars is up, let me know what you think of the prologue!


Yes so excited for this I’m gonna read it now!


New Book coming soon! The prologue is almost ready to publish so keep watch over the next few days.


@Balorsgirl90 most of the time I can come up with millions of ideas, I just wish I could finish all of them....hopefully this time though


@RikkaRose ah can’t wait.. I was just telling Chrissy I wish I could come up with ideas like you two do. 


@RikkaRose Ohhh Erika I can't wait to read it!


Chapter 7 of All I Need is up! Sorry I've been really inactive this week, I've been filling in for my boss at work while still doing my own job and working overtime and I'm dead tired. The good news is this chapter was already written and ready to go, hope you enjoy!


I'm going to be submitting Playing With Fire for the Wattys, so I will be going through and editing chapters for grammar and clarity. I would love for a reader or two to take this journey with me and reread as I update it and give me feedback. Please let me know if you are interested.
          Also if you want to submit something and would like me to do the same for you let me know!


@Balorsgirl90 Please! I would love that. I know it's backwards a little, but right now I'm working on a history and character list to add to the end of the story. I was rereading last night and realized that I make a lot of references that only hardcore fans would get and that a lot of things happen following the exact sequence of events from that time, that even now people might not understand unless they have a fantastic memory. I will let you know once I post it.


@RikkaRose if ya still need readers, I am.always available to read 