
'Yes Daddy' was my favorite book. I loved writing it. So many people had texted me that it was their fav as well. I was working on its second part. Wattpad got rid of my book and there has been no response after so many mails. It really breaks my heart that I don't have my hard work of months with me now. 


@RidhZ27 yeah it really is. It had over 40 chapters with 2000 words each chapter. It was my most popular book


Wattpad did the same thing to me. They got rid of my book saying that it went against their policies…. It's honestly frustrating… 


'Yes Daddy' was my favorite book. I loved writing it. So many people had texted me that it was their fav as well. I was working on its second part. Wattpad got rid of my book and there has been no response after so many mails. It really breaks my heart that I don't have my hard work of months with me now. 


@RidhZ27 yeah it really is. It had over 40 chapters with 2000 words each chapter. It was my most popular book


Wattpad did the same thing to me. They got rid of my book saying that it went against their policies…. It's honestly frustrating… 


Can anyone see my book 'Yes Daddy' I can't see it. Please someone help me


@RidhZ27 I got the message. Wattpad got rid of it because I was somehow against their some policy


@RidhZ27, I can't see it either. Try updating or uninstalling/installing the app?


Totally unrelated but I NEED a place to rant about my crush. I used to do it on my twitter but then we both started following each other there as well. So the books I'm writing rn have a hint of my feelings for him. 
          Also, this is the first time I have felt genuine feelings for someone and liked someone based off of their personality rather than their looks. 


I will let you all know, I haven't left wattpad. I'm working on three books rn and will post them soon. Though it will take over two months because of my tight schedule and the type of emotional scenes I'm writing atm are not okay to be written in public. I don't want anyone to know that I'm crying over an artist's fanfiction scene



Everything is gonna change now
          I'm gonna change this accounts. I'll still post as many as larry stylinson fanfictions as I can but recently I've been getting into many Indian youtubers and I've been a part of their fandoms since I have been in the one direction fandom. For me writing has become more than a hobby. It has become a way of making my imaginary worlds comes into reality. I'm gonna change my username, my profile pic but the larry madness stays and continues. 
          I'll post multifandoms rics and fictional stories. Stay tuned for what I have on hand


Happy new year everyone I really hope everyone had a blast this year. I know I wasn't active much but I'll try to be active this year. It'll on my list for sure. This year has been very new and challenging. I moved out of my hometown if anyone didn't knew. I changed colleges in between semesters and just coping up with that. Coping up with the fact that I have a crush on a guy from my class now. After almost six years I have a crush on someone. But yeah, still working on being a better version of myself which includes a good writer. I'll try my level best❤️✨️


Hello everyone, so I have recived a ton of messages on why am I not publishing any stories. Well I just posted a one shot book but the reason for my absence is no. 1, I'm covered with work, new college, new city and I also have to take care of my fu-king health because idk how I get sick every week, now no. 2, I'm working on three fics and I will only post them when they are complete, they are good stories and I don't wanna rush them. So yeah......