
There is a new message on the development of Memerizing Artist, if you are interested in the story's current situation you can check it out in my conversations. You're thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.


There is a new message on the development of Memerizing Artist, if you are interested in the story's current situation you can check it out in my conversations. You're thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.


Whenever I start to work on the next chapter of Memerizing Artist, I feel like I am being forced to write as my younger self to make the story flow. Honestly, it's taking a toll on my creativity and motivation. It feels as if I am just throwing rough drafts out there: so that I don't have to feel guilty for making people wait for long periods.
          	I want it to stop. So I have been thinking about putting Memerizing Artist under editing and rewriting the whole thing to flow smoothly with my current writing style. I want to fix the chapters so that the word count reaches 600 hundred words or more, not a measly 300 or less. I dislike it when other authors put one paragraph per chapter, so why am I doing it?
          	I am also planning on putting the story into a third-person omniscient view so that I can have one focused point of view instead of it jumping around so much. The reader might have their gender changed to female instead of neutral because I feel that it limits what I can have the character do since it might seem out of character for that gender to do certain actions.


This is fine! 


I love the story so far! I’m excited to see what’s going to happen next. Is Yagi going to her about the reader through his detective friend or the news? Where was the reader shot to make them bleed out so fast that they passed out? Is it going to affect their drawing? Are they going to have her in protective custody because of this indecent and they are quirkless? So many questions that I want answered! But most importantly take your time in writing and if life gets in the way just let it. Your story isn’t going anywhere without you!